In Aht Urhgan area's you get xp/limit bonus with sanction. As for the kill chains, I believe you are referring to the now popular TP burn parties. Great xp/limits, but becomes very boring very quickly. It's too repetative, same thing over and over for the entire duration of the party. No skillchains or Magic Bursts, no thinking required.
Not meaning to knock burn parties, some people absolutely prefer them for the faster xp/limits. I play this game for the fun and challenge and I don't find any of that in burn parties.
Also, something you're gonna like are the changes to Signet. Anyone who has a massive amount of HP, like warriors and monks, and solo's a lot appreciates this. You heal faster ... a LOT faster, with signet. Sanction does not offer this, but in exchange for a few imperial standing points, you can get auto-refresh, auto-regen, or extended food effects (doubles the duration of food).
You and the Mrs. are gonna like all the new stuff. :)