yep.. its that time again. astral rings are what. like 200k at the AH again. well good.. very cheap. how would you like to have one for 10k.
i shall have a lame **** Astral Ring raffle again.. today is the 17th of August. so lets just say you have till the end of the month to purchase your tickets.
10k a ticket
limit 5 tickets at a time please - per character
we will meet in Whitegate at some place i have not even figured out yet.
if you are interested, curious, or just ready to do this, PM me or /tell me in game.
you will pick a number 0-999
i will do /random on September 1st at midnight - that means the very last day in august at midnight, it will be September 1st. you do not have to be at the actual event. BUT IF YOU ARE AT THE ACTUAL EVENT AND WIN THE PRIZE YOU WILL RECIEVE AN ADDITIONAL 200K FOR BEING THERE.
if you have any other questions, or comments, you know where to put them.
please do not turn this into a flame thread or change the subject from Astral Ring (do you want it)?
thank you
have a nice day