It was just another tradgedy in Bhauflau Thickets. The replacement for the DRK was dead, and the RDM (only raiser) had gone AFK for ten minutes. This is after a long, boring argument we had had about how the NIN (me) shouldn't be wearing a hauby. "-eva??!!?" screamed the DRK, as I ate the dirt while trying to explain to the RDM why I need to have haste on me all the time or I will die. "You need +eva!!"
I couldn't help but think "What else do I need?"
Maybe the 5/6 JP party I had earlier, where we full-on exp'd for 3 hours and got around 30,000 exp. Someone went AFK once, and nobody died, and nobody complained about a NIN wearing a hauby.
Is this just my bad luck and I just had a good JP party and a long stream of bad EU/NA ones? If so, maybe people who are more like those in the JP party I had would like to exp with me. I'm 61 going on 60.
Ps. I can't believe this happens 60+
Edited, Aug 16th 2007 10:14:23pm by mikeyc