Hakutaku NM is probably one of the most annoying NM's but you have to admit he does what he prolly was intended to do, and he does it well.
He's the NM that weeds out those who are greedy, selfish and untrustworthy. Those who want their run first and suck for the rest of the duration. those that want to go first with the intention of d/c'ing/leaving.
Everyone's been to one, everyone can agree the NM and the runs are tiring. We all understand that if we participate in a O hat run, it lasts for 4-6 hrs. I cannot sympathize for the few that do get their hats and simply leave. The clusters are worth alot of gil and the time invested in the run is worth just as much. For those that help on O hat runs, they understand the frustration of people leaving, people have probably left on their turns.
Avoid Emikai 75 drg at all costs, according to this 22 yr old man.. his mum doesnt let him play too long.
My rant, sorry I hate flakes. Enjoy, you traded your rep for a Hat.
You're trash as a player and hopefully no one else lets you leech. I will not apologize for flaming you, afterall I cant really flame ur mum.