Current Standings
T. Whiteshell 298/10300 (9,000g)
O. Bronzepiece 77/6000 (7,000g)
1 Byne Bill 360/1400 (7,000g)
I just realized this is going to take
forever and a lifetime to get done, I'm
going to **** myself if and when I do
complete this thing I end up quitting the
game immediatly after I obtain it.
If anyone wants to quicksell to me I will
automatically buy these at the prices
listed above. Honestly no lies I have been
getting these crazy cheap from Bazaar's in
rolanberry fields. I spend enough time there
out of the day looking it's absurd >_<
Also because I am wasting all the gil that I
come into contact with buying the singles I
can't buy any of the hundreds since I am now
perpetually broke soooooo yaar ^_^ Don't try
to sell me those unless you will take pints
of blood for them :D