Hey all, I haven't played XI in quite a while (since right before ToAU came out). I had started to play WoW and XI at the same time, then I got my NIN to 66, PT disbanded, then I deleveled to 65 and hadn't played since. Decided to come back to XI when I found myself bored with WoW and a lot seems to have changed.
I bought ToAU but it won't be here until about Wednesday, but I would like to get some partying in before then. However, I've read that exp areas in ToAU are *way* better than the pre-ToAU areas (but I just *loved* killing Weapons in sky! >.>). Is that only at 75 and you still stick around in Boyahda Tree for a while around mid-60s? Or do you just do all they way to 75 for the most part in ToAU areas?
I also quit right after making some progress into the CoP mission line. I got one attempt in on the Mithra BC, failed, then never tried again. Was looking into finishing that and was wondering if there just happened to be some people around that area. I wouldn't mind backtracking to help catch up (just please no early Promyvions or Mammets! XD)
Also I am without a LS. I was in a shell before I quit, but it appears they have disbanded. My schedule is a bit crazy so I'm not looking for anything regimented like an endgame LS (plus I'm sure my skills are a bit rusty anyway) but anyone in need of a 75 BRD/66 NIN/61 RDM send me a /tell ^^