JoLOveS, I swear I was just thinking about you last night...not in my bed or anything. .lol. you randomly poped into my head...not my lower one...while I was running through Aht Urgahn. How have you been? You should see if your buddy will let you take your character for a spin through the new expansion. If you decide to come back, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to get you up and running. That asshat Trizz is still running around (were actually on eachothers friend list now..lmao) I could probably help you a little with PLing, to at least 30.. Galka DRK/WHM FTW.
If your wondering why I have to qualify every satement , it's so asshats like Gamion, who is nominated to take Arons spot as whipping boy, will surly bust my balls for anything I might post. think about it.