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Drama in DAFollow

#1 Dec 03 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Sub-Default
Yesterday we claimed fafnir got it to 10% and got mpked by a ls. Someone in ls forgot to put blockaid on and a pld 2hr and cure and ppl then we got flailed. Only 2 other ls was there straight and iron we didnt see who did it but everyone said iron did it. I dont know who did it but even if someone did forget to blockaid on its still a pretty dirty move to do.
#2 Dec 03 2006 at 8:45 PM Rating: Excellent
There's a nice Screeny on Unreal's website...if someone from another LS MPKed you their whole alliance would have been hit with Flail as well.
#3 Dec 04 2006 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
137 posts
#4 Dec 04 2006 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
19 posts
It's funny how you mess up you blame someone else.
#5 Dec 04 2006 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
Yet no one else died who supposedly tried to mpk you. If they did try to mpk you they would have died as much as your alliance did. So it's very doubtful that you're speaking the truth.

And call for help, nice job showing what a bunch of **** you are.
#6 Dec 04 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
Well lets start off with im Assassin the one who cfh.

Now with what people saying what I said is only half right. What i said was that if people wanna play dirty fine i'll play dirty right back at you or something like that. I personaly hate playing dirty but i hate people pushing me around even more. Fight fire with fire I say.

Now with faf flailing by where he moved i knew someone from another ls got the hate and even if it was us with all the people crowding around it like noobs just causes chaos as it was hard enough for me 2 even see myself.

Now what Jack had to say about the other alliance that should have wiped if that happened. Person doesn't need to be in an alliance to steal hate and flail and since the person 2hr he wouldn't have died either.

In reality the only ls that got hurt by this was us it was as good as dead until someone mpk us. And was so disspointed by someone telling me they got GMs on it even a SGM but never ended up in jail. Was so looking forward to that.

If you got any other stuff to say then say it and don't go on your mules to say stuff to me then log out just cowardly. Probably from the same ls that mpk us I would bet.
#7 Dec 04 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Keep digging deeper.
If you read on Unreal:
(As you can see in the SS above none of those names are in IRON to my knowledge)

lol... how are you not sure if you got mpk'd or not, or who did the cure / invincible ? lmao. Pretty weird how you guys beat it till 22% and someone suddenly takes hate with a cure and invincible lol.

Not to burst your bubble or anything Mrp but if you were mpk'd then the ally that
flailed it would have been killed as well along with you ally, it's how faf works

^ Correct, in my damage logs I didn't see anyone else even get hit by flail, or the wings that followed.

Calling for help is a childish maneuver, basically saying "if we can't have it no one can." Not trying to insult you or your linkshell, but one of your members came off that way last night.

If you're trying to insinuate that we had any part in MPKing you (if that even happened), I'd like to know how with a NIN and 2 BLM (and another NIN and BRD for part of the time) could have done that.

Good luck in the future though, congrats on claiming on your shell's first time in Aery.

As you can see it was the morons who were meleeing on the side and healing on the sides of Faf.

Btw love how the Ls leader MPK'd you all with the Nin 2hour that was a great thing to see. Adds nicely to the messing up and blaming it on others because you all couldn't possibly mess up on no.. Ls leader proved that lmao.

And why would you take a JPLs's word for any MPK when they hate NA so much they killed a CFH Fafnir so no one else could get it?

In closeing just admit you messed up and decided to act childish by the CFH.
And from what I saw there IRON all escaped out of DA since you said in say you will CFH if it goes bad. All that was left was the JP's and a few Unreal.
#8 Dec 04 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Yao where do you see that i wrote iron mpk us I just know someone did. As well as him mpk us at flies when we were warping we all yelled at him for that lol.

Thing is faf moved to the left and pointed his back to me when all the melee and mages were at the right of me so explain how did they do that? I got some theorys but in the end thats all they r theorys. If u want to know what they r here they r.

1) straight did it to try and steal but since they didnt succeed blamed it on iron

2) iron as repution eh had of mpk ppl

3) unreal did it to make us hate the other ls and they hate us.

and with the crowd of ppl any could happened with no idea who actualy did it.
And even if we did mpk with so many ppl we couldnt even see who it just seems childish for everyone to crowd around faf like they did in the first place. I under stand 1 person for tod but thats about it. And don't say cause everyone does it cause just because everyone does doesn't mean its not noobish
#9 Dec 04 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
I have a few friends in your Ls and from word inside your Ls was your blaming IRON for it, thats where I get my information from. I dig around before posting things so I know what I'm talking about.

Straight makes it a habit to crowd people fighting in hopes of getting them to mess up and or steal it. You don't need to be on it or close to Fafnir for ToD those people are doing it to increase the killing PT's lag, thats just as childish as CFHing on a HNM/NM.

Whats weird is I never heard of IRON or EH MPKing people, I've heard of others doing it though.

I remember when there was respect at HNM camps between other NA's and JP's what has happened?

If your going to go to Fafnir as a alliance again I would forewarn your people there will be crowding and always be on the feet of Fafnir/Nidhogg. And always throw up /blockaid on when you have it and in main alliance. We as a server need to protect ourselves from the few that want to ruin it for everyone.
(The above statement is not directed at any Ls in particular.)

Everyone should have there time in the sun (so to speak) at a HNM, they just need to be lucky enough to get the claim.
#10 Dec 04 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
Only reason why I cfh was cause why should a ls that mpk us get the items we deserved. Its like saying for your punshment for cheating I will give you items. If we died on our own then I wouldn't have cfh and let another finish it off. Thing is if another ls mpk u would u just freely give it to them?
#11 Dec 04 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Yayyyyy Drama!!!!
#12 Dec 04 2006 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Bout time we had some drama here; we're such a boring server.

Edited, Dec 4th 2006 9:35pm by KitaKaze
#13 Dec 04 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or not until I checked what site I was actually posting in(joke for the stiff-sternums).
#14 Dec 04 2006 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
I remember when there was respect at HNM camps between other NA's and JP's what has happened?

If your going to go to Fafnir as a alliance again I would forewarn your people there will be crowding and always be on the feet of Fafnir/Nidhogg. And always throw up /blockaid on when you have it and in main alliance. We as a server need to protect ourselves from the few that want to ruin it for everyone.
(The above statement is not directed at any Ls in particular.)

Everyone should have there time in the sun (so to speak) at a HNM, they just need to be lucky enough to get the claim.

Seconded and well said.
#15 Dec 04 2006 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
"Watches the chaos unfold"

Can I get some popcorn over here!

Wife: Akirah
#16 Dec 04 2006 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
The thing is you have no proof someone MPK'd your group nor did anyone get jailed for MPKing.

It looks more like someone in your Ls messed up and threw blame quick on an easy target.

It's like standing in line for a movie and you get the last ticket and you say "If I lose this ticket I'm burning down the movie theater."
You say you'd never do that, yet it's the same concept.

What you did that night was give your Ls a bad name.

I was also informed today Virtue Ls is no more and moved to a new pearl?
Hiding your shame?
#17 Dec 04 2006 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Just to spice things up, I'll throw out a lolrdm/nin.

#18 Dec 04 2006 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
actualy the move to new ls a actualy desided before all this only reason why it was a new ls and there were people with ls that never came on. ls name was virtue now virtue ls not much of a difference.

As for proof what proof do u have that we flailed ourselfs. And for getting jailed why wasnt i sent 2 jail for cfh either. Was told i had ppl calling gms on me. In the end neither of us have any proof just the logic we are using.

Now reputation for example unreal thier repution is in the dirt with thier own greed but yet ppl still join. While I have a good reason for what I did. In the end i don't think i gave the ls a bad rep but a rep that shows that we wont let others push us around.

Question is what would u have done show ppl that u wont be pushed around or show them that you will let them walk all over u.
#19 Dec 04 2006 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
The proof is in the screen shot, none of the people dead are from another Ls.
And what you showed is everyone can expect your Ls to be children who will CFH when they take a bite they can't chew.

Anyway I don't really care just saying my peice.
Have fun trying to make people belive you were MPK'd.
All who were there know the truth. :)
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