Invoky wrote:
hes good war yo, he melee in osode full time
Haha, I log onto this website for the first time in like 9 months and I see Monkey's ****. Monkey is right, I do melee in a Haub +1 full time, oh wait, I mean Osode. This coming from a PLD who can't hold hate from a 74 COR and caused us to wipe to Steam Cleaner!!1!! What a wuss.
Anyhow, to the post up there where a 74 DRG soloed Kirin, AV, Ash Dragon and Spiny Spipi...that rules! Gimmee his addy??
And best WHM's ever are Leeluu and Autechre, even though he hates WHM. Alot of WHM's could learn from these two. You aren't there to melee, not there to /WAR and level your club, and don't go AFK every 10 minutes. You are there to Cure, Haste, remove status ailments and sometimes die to save everyone else as opposed to run. These two are the best at it.
And ther reason I even stopped on these forums, does anyone know where to get a friggin Yoichi's Sash?
Invo you are so "annoy". I wonder if you are "interesting" in doing Soboro after Gurfurlur or before?
Ok see ya'll in 9 months!