Man, so last night I was leveling my Whm and was 200 tnl to 66! When some friends sent me a /tell asking me to haul *** and help them kill Charbdyis(sp). I was really tired and wanted to go to bed, but decided I would go anyways, for a nice rush before I go to bed.
I got ported and blah blah entered SSG. When I entered I noticed right with my few friends a group of about 15 or so BLM all on /follow hauling *** right behind us. Our Ninja was up in front of us and managed to get right to the room as a RMT ninja claims the NM..... Now, at this point the monstrous group of Blms from "BlackMageLS"(i'm sure you know what ls that is...) hasn't arrived just yet. The RMT ninja dies and we manage to claim it for a minute. We were waitin on our bard to arrive and our ninja gets taken out.
and then.... like every other major NM on the server... it gets claimed by a blm. Twenty seconds later, it's dead and as fast they came in, the BLMs are gone.
I know people ***** and wine and cry about RMT-as they see it constantly and it kills them. But I myself, don't get around them much, and thus don't get angry and just get sick to my stomach of them. But last night, I can honestly say I was disgusted, I was tore up, and just really sorry for my great friend Spanki and Tre of which we were trying to get the JoyToy for. All I can say is I'm sorry to those to another great chance at a great item lost due to them, and don't give up. I'll be there to camp again with you all whenever. Don't buy gil people, you really don't know how bad it messes up this game :'(
Signing off- Gimley :'(