I'm an officer on my LS, Blackwind, we're a social one, a family community, we do events and help each other out all the time. We are comprised of people level 1 through level 75, we accept any job, rank, nation. For us, as long as you're cool, like the game, like us, and are also willing to contribute help to others, we are fine with that.
However, we don't, and I'm sure other LS's will agree, want members who's sole purpose is to exploit the help we can give, demand it at a moment's notice, then unequip the pearl to usurp help from another shell. We really don't want any part-timers who only use us for events. We like to help our members build and grow into all their goals, but we also are strong in our friendships and for us, that is above all.
So, if you are interested, please see /tell these officers in game you wish to have a pearl and tell them Ami sent you:
and me, Amiraphe