Hello all, just a quick shout to all the people who helped me get my Francisca axe in the Boyadha Tree on Tuesday night. Especially the people who died killing the placeholders thanks to an abnormal number of water elementals. Jickson, Aesctaa, Enfys, Jtste, Pyrox (1 death >.<), Ghostonline (3 death >.<), Davitz (1 death >.<), Woodle(1 death >.<) and that was BEFORE the damn NM popped.
As it got late and most of the helpers were in the UK they had to leave, after another near wipe (sorry Pyrox), of course once most had left the damn things appear. I was a bit miffed, but Jickson got on the ball and managed to get an alliance together from nowhere, thanks to Tizzle, Mitsu, Redbaron, Vivic, Jickson,Pyrox , Frosta and 1 other person whos name i forgot but am equally grateful. I 've been trying to get this for weeks, and truly appreciate all the help i got, so this is just a big {Thank you!} to all who got stuck in.