Wintskitty is up to 36 THF now after some great parties in the nest this weekend. Much more enjoyable then the last 2 times I've taken jobs up this high I must say. Had an excellent party led by a little fellow named Jellybean that I was truly sad to leave. He was a NIN, the other tank was a WAR/NIN, then there was a DRG, WHM, RDM and me. I must say, I'm truly impressed with the damage output of SATA + Viper Bite, the DRG and I had fun wiping the HP off the crawlers with Double Thrust + Viper Bite. I wish I could remember their names, we had a great time.
I did notice a manaburn gil seller party down by the soldier crawlers though, that marred things a bit. Fortunately we weren't XP'ing off the soldier's, I feel for any of those parties that were down there this weekend.
Edited, Aug 28th 2006 at 8:48am EDT by Wint