Deathsblessing wrote:
Gamion, if I didn't think you could give it as well as you take it, it would be no fun at all, now as to what you wrote:
I'm sure everyone would like to know precisely
how you know I can dish it out and take it all so well...oohhh baby.
Deathsblessing wrote:
look little moogle Elvaan man(and I use the term "man" loosly(kinda like your sphincter in your back side)
That is quite possibly the funniest thing you have ever said to me and I give your props for that. I won't even retort to it to try to diminish it's grandeur.
Deathsblessing wrote:
Now that I've kicked you out of the closet, you can be free to express yourself in all your Andy diick glory <3 U longtime
#1 You had to come into this closet in the first place to get me out so close your *** receptacle and keep sucking.
#2 I prefer Richard Simmons to Andy 'Diick' (spelled to avoid the filter).