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Does NOTHING work before level 60???Follow

#1 Aug 18 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
I'm sick of crappy EXP experiences before level 60. If you are currently around level 45 and do not do any of the following things please /sea all mikeyc 44RDM with WHM/BLM sub for some decent exp:

If you do not:

#Go AFK randomly in the middle of fights.
#Go AFK for long periods of time.
#Go AFK all the time.
#Force DC.
#Give no notice that you have to disband.
#Leave party randomly because you dont like some other members LINKSHELL (yes some idiot actually did this today)
#Put your flag up when you can only party for 30 mins or other rediculous amount of time.

All these dumbass things happened in one party today.

Please contact me because I want fast EXP and im sick of the fact that it takes the same amout of time to go from 44-45 in CN as it does to go from 74-75 in Mamool Ja Staging Point.

#2 Aug 19 2006 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
#Leave party randomly because you dont like some other members LINKSHELL (yes some idiot actually did this today)

Frankly, I see no problem in this. It stands to reason that if you dislike a few people in one linkshell, you're probably going to dislike a fair few. Linkshells are gathering grounds of like-minded individuals.

There are a few linkshells out there that're like this, and I absolutely refuse to party with their LS members for the sake of my own sanity and IQ.
#3 Aug 19 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
People who do these things consistantly are a problem, but some times there are excuses.

#Go AFK randomly in the middle of fights.

Some times the doorbell rings, or you have to answer the phone, or have to stop your cat from chewing on the router cables... again.

#Go AFK for long periods of time.

Never know who might come knocking, you ever tried to get rid of someone asking if you have "found Jesus in your heart?" They just don't go away. Also you never know, real life emergancies do happen.

#Go AFK all the time.

Meh, if you don't have the ability to play, then don't.

#Force DC.

No way of really telling when someone does this. But I for one have a ****** connection so I do D/C quite often and have been accused of it.

#Give no notice that you have to disband.

This one could have a real excuse, like an emergancy in real life or something. But suddenly deciding to go help your LS is BS, don't drag everyone out to a party and then decide you don't want to exp.

#Leave party randomly because you dont like some other members LINKSHELL (yes some idiot actually did this today)

I've done it before. I refused to party with people from the ArmyofDarkness LS, they were a group of gimps and I wasn't going to degrade myself to partying with one. Granted I am an *** and have had people disband from parties because they didn't want to party with me

#Put your flag up when you can only party for 30 mins or other rediculous amount of time.

The people who do it consistantly are obnoxious. But sometimes you only have so long to party, and you get an invite towards the end of your time period. But most people who have LS events/have to go to work/whatever tend to give notice before they just up and leave. In many cases people warn you as soon as they get the invite.
#4 Aug 19 2006 at 8:04 AM Rating: Default
I dont care how anyone justifies any of these points its irritating regardless. I don't do these things apart from when I need the loo or I get a phone call I have to take. If you have something else you have to do, don't make me wait! I hate it if i ever have to make anyone wait for more than a minute.

Exp is exp who cares who your tank is. Next week they will probably be in a different linkshell anyway. What I'm especially talking about what when someone decided to leave after a 20 minute walk to camp which we all had to wait for, then buggers off! Cheers hunny!!!

Edited, Aug 19th 2006 at 9:29am EDT by mikeyc
#5 Aug 19 2006 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Now hold on a minute. You're telling us to grow up, when right before it you said you don't care the circumstanaces as long as they don't mess up your exp? High horse, much?

Here's something you should probably come to terms with, and quick:

You are not everybody else. What you do can, and most likely will, vastly differ from things other people do. If you don't like it, blist, kick, whatever, and move on.

Is it inconsiderate? Yep. Will it still happen, regardless of how much you whinge about it? You betcha.

Edited, Aug 19th 2006 at 9:33am EDT by Alauce
#6 Aug 19 2006 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I'll come pt with you! ^^

Had a bad pt in the Nest last night myself. /shudder
I've discovered I prefer to pt in Altepa Desert. No poison, a lot more space, and no confusing tunnels. >.>

43SMN/WHM, about 600 tnl so I should lvl today. Look me up.^^
#7 Aug 19 2006 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
Obviously didn't pay attention to a word of my post. I was trying to make the point of some times real life sets in. And on a side note...

I dont care how anyone justifies any of these points its irritating regardless. I don't do these things apart from when I need the loo or I get a phone call I have to take.

I love hypocrisy.
#8 Aug 19 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
No I got your point! Just adding after new contribution. Thank you.

Querla you are on I'll search later!

No need to start flaming, purpose of post is for people with like minded opinion to start a party and get good EXP. Do what you want please. Would you start ringing up people in the lonely hearts column of a newspaper if they put "requires busty blonde only" to say "RAH RAH RAH how dare you only like blondes!!"? Nope! Thanks catch you later!

Oh yes almost forgot the emphasis of the post was also meant to be that after 60 you find this stuff happens so much more rarely IMO. You get much more quality than quantity. Sometimes you find people tend to avoid inviting DRGs and SMNs, but to be honest, I find that these players can be some of the best ones out there, which I would much rather have than a more sought after job if they arn't nice, considerate people!! Please try and think back to dunes experiences etc and decent etiquette, not hitler-esque "DONT YOU DARE GO AFK!"
Sorry if this was made unclear

Mikeyc also available for meriting BRD 75 WHM 75 BLM 75


Edited, Aug 19th 2006 at 12:45pm EDT by mikeyc
#9 Aug 19 2006 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
"requires busty blonde only" to say "RAH RAH RAH

Thats all I saw be4 I started posting, I havn't even read rest of the { Where? }
#10 Aug 21 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I think you need to catch me up now Mikeyc, I lvled to 47 over the weekend. ^^ I bullied some of my LS into coming and lvling with me. mwa-ha-ha! lol

If you still wanna pt, send me a /tell.
#11 Aug 21 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
Hiya! I dinged 50 the other day! Wooo! Almost finished my AF too! Got both coffers, and other AF thanks to Jedipadawon (RDM/NIN Impossible to Guage), Darkdonai (KSNM30 Still up for it!), Dwyrin (PLD superhero) and Dealtaru (fabulous WHM, Hexa Strike owned DS!)

Just have to do horrid NMs for AF 6, gah looks scary. Look me up if you need help with your AF too, they are Biotches.

Mikeyc xxx
#12 Aug 21 2006 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
After reading this post, I felt obligated to reply, I have partied with Mikey before and he is a quality player. It has been a while but I am sure that hasn't changed. If he id posting about this, he must be really frustrated. I don't think he was looking for answers to his complaints, I think he mostly wanted to vent.

Gamion, you wouldn't know what to do with a blonde if you found one that would talk to you...jk..sort of.
#13 Aug 21 2006 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
You talk to me all the time DB..and I'll be damned if you tell me your not...those tits were real I tell you.. THEY WERE REAL...

*wonders why all the hair then..*

#14 Aug 21 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Oh thank you Deathsblessing you have made my day!! And the same to you! You have to be a quality player to tell one IMO. You are completely right I was very frustrated as one thing after another prevented party after party from progressing. I know there are many very very good players out there and felt others may have had similar unfortunate experiences. Hope to speak to you soon in game!

#15 Aug 21 2006 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Valas: DRG45/WAR22
I'm usually on and LFP just send me a tell and I'll be happy to join in your quest for a decent party full of decent people ^^
#16 Aug 21 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
were not talking about my man boobs and ima not bald brunettes will talk to suave devil you.
#17 Aug 21 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Oh thank you Deathsblessing you have made my day!! And the same to you! You have to be a quality player to tell one IMO.

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA I think you mean quantity..not quality...LMAO DAMN GALKA'S! lol jk DB <3 u {Long time}
#18 Aug 21 2006 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Who said things improved after 60 anyway? >.>

odds are good you'll find the dumb folks over and over again <.<
#19 Aug 21 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
odds are good you'll find the dumb folks over and over again <.<



BLM 75/RDM 71/THF 59/WHM 48/RNG 41/NIN 34/SMN 22/WAR 20/BST 18
#20 Aug 21 2006 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
Well you see things cannot be perfect ALL the time but generally I've met a lot of cool players who know their stuff and enjoy hectic, fun, fast EXP after 60 rather than the sluggish drag before it. IMO you find more dedicated players who love their job after 60 (the exp per lv is much greater as I'm sure we all know!), rather than people who choose DRK as their first job because they think its all mystical and then @#%^ it up in an outfit, before getting bored of large EXP/LV and trying BLM because they think it gets more invites. Just a feeling I get dunno if its right! I think I just have more fun 60+ its fab.

Ps. A DRK in pt always goes down well for me I personally think they are hawt!

Mikeyc xxx

Edited, Aug 21st 2006 at 6:23pm EDT by mikeyc
#21 Aug 22 2006 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
Ps. A DRK in pt always goes down well for me I personally think they are hawt!

{I Don't Know How To Answer That Question}
#22 Sep 02 2006 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Mikeyc! What lvl you at? I just dinged 50!

You never did invite me /cry lol
#23 Sep 02 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
The original Casino of Bismarck!!! Hiptaru's Casino!!!

Minimum 100k bet! No Limits! roll 699-800 win 2x your bet! Roll 801-998 win 3x your bet!! roll a 0 or 999 and win 10x your bet!
#24 Sep 03 2006 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Well hello! I am 56 at the mo, so you have some catching up to do! You have loads of time anyway as I'm not going to get much chance to get on over the next couple of weeks because I start Uni soon and I have to sort all that stuff out. But I am loving the 50+ parties I have had so far, its brilliant compared to the 40's, where I almost tore my hair out in frustration!! (As post suggests) but good luck and hopefully I'll be casting a refresh near you soon!

Mikeyc xxx
#25 Sep 09 2006 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
This is how I see it:
My friends, family, and life is more important than anyones level.

I'm very sick, so sometimes I have to go afk suddenly (pass the bucket) or have to cut my party time short because I simply can't sit up at my PC any longer. Because of this I have a little added patience for other players. You have to take into account that you're working with other people, so you have to accept that they have things they have to do - you don't know their circumstances.

I know it sucks as I'm a whm and they seem to be few and far between these days. I'm sorry if I screwed up anyones pt by having to leave earlier than expected. Most guys I've partied with just get on with it, though.
#26 Sep 09 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
Hon I'm sorry if it was not clear when I was making is post. I'm talkig about those people that are more of a burden than a positive influence on a party. For example, someone who is clearly surfing the net the whole party and ends up facing the other way to the mob mst of the time, or a mage that heals with full MP for three fights. Not people who say "AFK doorbell" or "AFK WC after this one" Hope this clears things up. I was especially annoyed the day I made this post as it was one thing after another and it was doing my head in.

I think I'm justified by he title aswell as I have soared through the 50's quicker than the 40's, just because the players are better and respect other players more. Now 61. I think thats what made me mad, knowing what 60+(and even 50+) is like: and comparing it to the general shod of the pre-50s. My main reason for posting was to find others who felt the same as me and actully saw this problem so we could team up and eliminate it. If you dont have a problem and enjoy most parties pre 50, then thats fab, I just didn't find it so.


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