People who do these things consistantly are a problem, but some times there are excuses.
#Go AFK randomly in the middle of fights.
Some times the doorbell rings, or you have to answer the phone, or have to stop your cat from chewing on the router cables... again.
#Go AFK for long periods of time.
Never know who might come knocking, you ever tried to get rid of someone asking if you have "found Jesus in your heart?" They just don't go away. Also you never know, real life emergancies do happen.
#Go AFK all the time.
Meh, if you don't have the ability to play, then don't.
No way of really telling when someone does this. But I for one have a ****** connection so I do D/C quite often and have been accused of it.
#Give no notice that you have to disband.
This one could have a real excuse, like an emergancy in real life or something. But suddenly deciding to go help your LS is BS, don't drag everyone out to a party and then decide you don't want to exp.
#Leave party randomly because you dont like some other members LINKSHELL (yes some idiot actually did this today)
I've done it before. I refused to party with people from the ArmyofDarkness LS, they were a group of gimps and I wasn't going to degrade myself to partying with one. Granted I am an *** and have had people disband from parties because they didn't want to party with me
#Put your flag up when you can only party for 30 mins or other rediculous amount of time.
The people who do it consistantly are obnoxious. But sometimes you only have so long to party, and you get an invite towards the end of your time period. But most people who have LS events/have to go to work/whatever tend to give notice before they just up and leave. In many cases people warn you as soon as they get the invite.