Several of us have been wondering about the populations of RMT newbies plaguing the servers. We've argued about how to correctly identify RMT, how to interfere effectively with RMT practices, and why RMT are leveling dozens (if not hundreds) of lowbie jobs.
Well, the last portion of this complex dynamic has been solved.
They're selling the accounts.
Now, for all of you "you have no way of knowing" people...
I was doing some cooking on Tuesday afternoon (had 25 stacks of taru rice across 3 mules, and decided to turn it into cash). I spend some time gathering up my materials, then dash off to Windy. I was in Woods, approaching my MH when I get a /tell.
Puyaya > Hey, would you mind helping out a fellow BST?
Me > What do you need help with?
Puyaya > Could you help me get some beastman seals?
Me > If you've been playing BST, you should be swimming in seals.
/sea all puy
(06 BST / 03 NIN)
I asked myself, how can someone have leveled a job to 30+, gotten at least two advanced jobs, and not know how to farm seals? Further, what did he/she really think that a 71 BST could do to help a 6 BST get seals? Was I supposed to pull him along to Boyada Tree to kill some goobs? I was convinced this line of thinking was absurd, so the only "logical" conclusion was...
Me > When did you buy your account?
Puyaya > Two weeks ago.
Me > I strongly recommend you delete this account and start over.
Me > All the stuff you should have learned in your early levels, you haven't learned.
Puyaya > Okay.
She/he runs to the MH and changes to 1WAR/MNK (or MNK/WAR?).
And then I called a GM.
Now, before some of you get in a tissy about me calling a GM on some dummy, and maybe by "buying" and account he was referring to buying the game, and went 1-30 and got NIN and BST in 2 weeks... (yeah, if someone is completely 100% new, so new he doesn't even know how to get Beast Seals, and if you think he's gonna accomplish the previous statement, well, that's kinda dumb.)
Puyaya is the name of one of the "suspected RMT newbidiots" I saw around Delkfart's Tower a while back (probably about 3 weeks ago). In one of the parties with everyone ('cept the tank) in 6 pieces of lvl 1 gear.
So we know 2 things about RMT newbidiots.
1. They sell their account at some point in time (probably early-mid 30's? after getting some AJ's?)
2. They exhaust the beast seals acquired during the leveling process (or else have another character collect them all for use later)