Hello My Name is Snakeeyes Our LS is looking for ppls to help build up a great LS. Any job 65+(no need to have sky we will help you get that) we will start our way to sky and work our way down to the ground and etc.... All items that you use points for will be yours osode, nobles, and etc will be yours and not the LS once you used points to get.
NM items such as juggernaunt, ebow, enhancing sword, and etc we will try our hardest to get for you.(we will have a wishlist with like 20 things we will get for you if you help and are a good ppl) These items will be yours to sell or to do whatever you want, you just can never get them again.
The first month or two all items will be free lots, we will use gil items from gods to buy cursed gear for ppls(for first month or two). If you are interested go to barokeworks.com and for more info contact Snakeeyes, Alana, Aselin, Seriu, or Olairik. No greedy ppls or ppls who dont like to help please dont apply thank you.