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How to detect a Gil sellerFollow

#1 May 01 2006 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
93 posts
(Taken from the Bad Player alert board)

This ******* Taru begged to join my party as a 71 NIN and we were all 75. After feeling bad for the little guy, we decided to let him come along. He didnt mind that he would get a little less xp per kill.He asked us if we had room for his friend Forlove but we said no and wrote that off as a joke.

I had to loan him my Gigant mantle because he couldnt afford his own cause he said he sold all his gil to IGE. I dont check people as a habit so I didnt realize at first that he was using a Shinobi-Gatana and a Yoto @ lvl 71. He was also wearing beetle earrings and had on Lizard ledelsons too.

We were out in the middle of nowhere are he was shouting for his Casino and begging us to play. About 10 minutes later, guess who shows up? Forlove. Qinnydar disbands party without notice and runs off with Forlove.

He took my Gigant Mantle and never came back.

If you see this guy, dont invite him to a party. Hes a bad Taru Taru.

Wow... I still cant belive how there are too few people in the game that cant detect someone who is a gil seller or not. Generally I look at a few things to determine a gil seller:

1.) Look at the gear: If you're level 50 and the person you have invited has level 20 gear and only has 1/2 of his equip slots filled, he could be a gil seller.

2.) Does he have a LS: This isnt a big alarm, but most gil sellers dont have a linkshell equiped, some do, but most dont.

3.) Look at the name: There have been a trend of gil sellers with the words "Love" "Smile" "Happy" or just has a name that looks like they just typed randomly on a keyboard like "Jyxisat" or something like that. If it doesnt look like they spent too much time creating a name for a character they are going to be known as for a long time, it could be an alarm.

4.) Partying together: The Redapples started partying together and became a spectical before people knew they were gil sellers. There are a few other gil seller parties going on now. One I know of is at lvl 50ish and they are 5 blm and a whm, but they dont need to always be grouped together. Sometimes if you invite a person and they insist on partying with another player, that could be a red flag, not always of course. MOST of the times its just friends playing together.

5.) Communication Problems: Even using the auto-translate function, talking to a gil seller could be troublesome. There are a lot of gil sellers coming out of Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Thailand, India, hell even America. Although some speak enough broken engllish to get around, a lot of them cant even communicate through the auto-translate.

For those of you that think that gil sellers dont have that big of an impaction of the game, let me remind you of what happened to the auction house during christmas. IGE and other gil seller sites had gil as low as $5 per million. That just drove the prices up to staggering heights. Vermillion cloak got up to 22million, Scorpion Harness was 18m, Haubergeon was 16m... It was all because the gil seller sites pumped too much money in the server at a time.

If you have ever partied with a player that didnt seem what he was doing, but had all the best gear for that level, that could be a bought account or a gil buyer. Remember kiddies, the gear doesnt make the character, the player makes the character.

Thats my rant.
#2 May 01 2006 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
He was being sarcastic cuz he doesn't like him.
#3 May 01 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Well Gamion your right and wrong. Qinny is in my LS and we like each other just fine but you are right that it was sarcastic.

The OP maybe needs to take his own detection advice and figure out how to detect a joke.
#4 May 01 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
I know Qinny he is no way a gil seller lmao
#5 May 01 2006 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
Seemed negative when I read it so meh lol.
#6 May 01 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
New Gil sellers

#7 May 02 2006 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
93 posts
mabey my spider sense cant detect sarcasm from text on an internet site... but i have partied with some people that try to help out gil sellers during xp by healing or raising and im always the only one in the party to realise that they are gil sellers.
#8 May 02 2006 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

I'll vouch for Qinn also. He's no gil-seller.
#9 May 02 2006 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
I can vouch for Qinn also.

Qinn, check your PMs. I need gilz. Thanks.
#10 May 02 2006 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I dont know, Qinny gave me gil when I first started a year and a half ago. He might be a gilseller...j/k! He is vouched for as a kickass legwarmer...I mean taru!
#11 May 02 2006 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
93 posts
Qinnydar disbands party without notice and runs off with Forlove.

Anyone that helps or hangs out with gil sellers should be considered just as bad as being a gil seller. To be selfish enough to sell your online soul to help a gil seller ruin the economy or the game doesnt make you a bad player, but just a bad person.

Qinnydar might be a nice person in his linkshell or with his friends, but ive seen him and some other people like Cqkillin help out gil sellers camp nms, i dont see any difference between them and the people selling gil for ige.

Edited, Tue May 2 05:14:03 2006 by Kyotokombat
#12 May 02 2006 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
heh Gilsellers........... gotta hate em for ruining the game. Man this game is suppose to be fun not a place for money hogging gilsellers. /sigh damn u gilsellers.
#13 May 02 2006 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
heh Gilsellers........... gotta hate em for ruining the game. Man this game is suppose to be fun not a place for money hogging gilsellers. /sigh damn u gilsellers.
#14 May 02 2006 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
heh Gilsellers........... gotta hate em for ruining the game. Man this game is suppose to be fun not a place for money hogging gilsellers. /sigh damn u gilsellers.
#15 May 02 2006 at 4:25 AM Rating: Default
oh **** triple posting sry XD
#16 May 02 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts

are new gilsellers i found, they all use unmatch gears and they dont speak english well.
#17 May 02 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Kyotokombat wrote:
Qinnydar disbands party without notice and runs off with Forlove.

Qinnydar might be a nice person in his linkshell or with his friends, but ive seen him and some other people like Cqkillin help out gil sellers camp nms, i dont see any difference between them and the people selling gil for ige.

Edited, Tue May 2 05:14:03 2006 by Kyotokombat

LMAO "It was made up, a joke!" I didn't run off with Forlove. As for you trying to create a lil drama by saying you "seen" me running around with gilsellers please tell me, when, where, and with who?

#18 May 02 2006 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
While were at it, here are more..

#19 May 02 2006 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
I'd like to add Vimien to this list.
#20 May 02 2006 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
175 posts
Hmmm. I might have to add myself to the list. I don't know if it counts as RMT or not, but I trade gil for real services. I don't sell it for money. I trade it for lapdances.

Not virtual lapdances either. I'm talking about the real deal. I've received lapdances from Krack, Qinnydar, and Vimien. Once I got a joint lapdance from Qinny and Vimien, that was a hoot.

Oh yeah, there was one other occasion where I was going to trade Trizzoro some gil for a lapdance, but the lapdance was so bad I refused to pay him. Srsly, he sux.

Other ways to detect a gilseller:

Thick padded red asscheeks promenently displayed.
Wait no, that's how to detect an alpha-male baboon looking for a good time.

Wait no, that's how to detect a mammel.

Dead fish and elevated levels of radiation.
Wait no, that's how to detect a damaged submarine.

Damn, detecting gilsellers is harder than I thought. >_<
Maybe we can tag them with those ear-tags like they do down at the stockyards!

Work sucks T_T Seriously bored. Qinnydar is NOT a gilseller, but he most definitely is a cybog cop sent back from the future to save the world by murdering David Hasselhoff. That is all.
#21 May 02 2006 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
Idwa wrote:
Dead fish and elevated levels of radiation.
Wait no, that's how to detect a damaged submarine.

I ran in to a damaged submarine in Al Zhabi yesterday, and I reported it to a GM, but he just said "We'll look into it". Then he banned me for no reason. Worst part is, the damaged submarine was still there when I logged on this morning. When will GM's wake up to the damaged submarine epidemic we have on Bismarck?
#22 May 02 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Hmmm, better call the best of the best for customer satisfaction!! GM Dave! (Link here for those who don't know: )

#23 May 03 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
While were at it, here are more..


bout time someone noticed...geez

<3 u forlove!

#24 May 03 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
I found another way to detect them...

They are normally:

BLM with only RDM subs and lvl 9 WHM subs
They like Hockey
There names always start with "A"
#25 May 03 2006 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
I don't know who you're talking about.

What's hockey?

--Arondight, Bismarck

By the way, my WHM is level 10.

Edited, Wed May 3 16:27:50 2006 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#26 May 03 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
There names always start with "A"

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