This ******* Taru begged to join my party as a 71 NIN and we were all 75. After feeling bad for the little guy, we decided to let him come along. He didnt mind that he would get a little less xp per kill.He asked us if we had room for his friend Forlove but we said no and wrote that off as a joke.
I had to loan him my Gigant mantle because he couldnt afford his own cause he said he sold all his gil to IGE. I dont check people as a habit so I didnt realize at first that he was using a Shinobi-Gatana and a Yoto @ lvl 71. He was also wearing beetle earrings and had on Lizard ledelsons too.
We were out in the middle of nowhere are he was shouting for his Casino and begging us to play. About 10 minutes later, guess who shows up? Forlove. Qinnydar disbands party without notice and runs off with Forlove.
He took my Gigant Mantle and never came back.
If you see this guy, dont invite him to a party. Hes a bad Taru Taru.
This ******* Taru begged to join my party as a 71 NIN and we were all 75. After feeling bad for the little guy, we decided to let him come along. He didnt mind that he would get a little less xp per kill.He asked us if we had room for his friend Forlove but we said no and wrote that off as a joke.
I had to loan him my Gigant mantle because he couldnt afford his own cause he said he sold all his gil to IGE. I dont check people as a habit so I didnt realize at first that he was using a Shinobi-Gatana and a Yoto @ lvl 71. He was also wearing beetle earrings and had on Lizard ledelsons too.
We were out in the middle of nowhere are he was shouting for his Casino and begging us to play. About 10 minutes later, guess who shows up? Forlove. Qinnydar disbands party without notice and runs off with Forlove.
He took my Gigant Mantle and never came back.
If you see this guy, dont invite him to a party. Hes a bad Taru Taru.
Wow... I still cant belive how there are too few people in the game that cant detect someone who is a gil seller or not. Generally I look at a few things to determine a gil seller:
1.) Look at the gear: If you're level 50 and the person you have invited has level 20 gear and only has 1/2 of his equip slots filled, he could be a gil seller.
2.) Does he have a LS: This isnt a big alarm, but most gil sellers dont have a linkshell equiped, some do, but most dont.
3.) Look at the name: There have been a trend of gil sellers with the words "Love" "Smile" "Happy" or just has a name that looks like they just typed randomly on a keyboard like "Jyxisat" or something like that. If it doesnt look like they spent too much time creating a name for a character they are going to be known as for a long time, it could be an alarm.
4.) Partying together: The Redapples started partying together and became a spectical before people knew they were gil sellers. There are a few other gil seller parties going on now. One I know of is at lvl 50ish and they are 5 blm and a whm, but they dont need to always be grouped together. Sometimes if you invite a person and they insist on partying with another player, that could be a red flag, not always of course. MOST of the times its just friends playing together.
5.) Communication Problems: Even using the auto-translate function, talking to a gil seller could be troublesome. There are a lot of gil sellers coming out of Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Thailand, India, hell even America. Although some speak enough broken engllish to get around, a lot of them cant even communicate through the auto-translate.
For those of you that think that gil sellers dont have that big of an impaction of the game, let me remind you of what happened to the auction house during christmas. IGE and other gil seller sites had gil as low as $5 per million. That just drove the prices up to staggering heights. Vermillion cloak got up to 22million, Scorpion Harness was 18m, Haubergeon was 16m... It was all because the gil seller sites pumped too much money in the server at a time.
If you have ever partied with a player that didnt seem what he was doing, but had all the best gear for that level, that could be a bought account or a gil buyer. Remember kiddies, the gear doesnt make the character, the player makes the character.
Thats my rant.