Forgive them as a person, but do not forgive their act. I realize that she made everyone angry and sadistic (I was the same when I first watched it, so I was in the same boat), but you'd be no better than her if you did truly want those things to happen.
Well not only did the "thank god for dead soldiers" and "thank god for 9/11" **** me off, she also had the anti-gay comments too. I have a couple gay friends, and it's really unfair to say our country shouldn't treat them equally and we shouldn't accept them.
I don't really wish her to die, though I did say so above, but if some radical did kill her, I wouldn't care in the slightest. If you're going to justify the deaths of thousands of innocent people... actually she justified Hitler.... Ok the deaths of millions of people, also targeting the jews, then you really deserve what you get in return.
Yeah we could stick her in jail, but I think it would probably be more fitting to let her suffer the consequences of her own actions. It's not like she has a mental disorder per say (though one could maybe argue something like anti-social personality disorder or the like...but unlikely), that's the difficult part religion brings into it. It's not that she's actually "crazy", she's just completely warped and ignorant.