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This is getting crazy...Follow

#1 Jan 04 2006 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
I'm a drg, Tarutaru named Kopi, some of you may see me from time to time. I realized I was running low on my sole sushi and went to Jeuno AH to buy some, and to my dismay, it was selling for 100,000 gil a stack. I was like, "wow, stupid gil sellers" well my ls has a high level cooker so I look up Black Sole, and that's 97,000. It's one thing to have "l33t" armor sold for ridiculous prices, but the consumable food? For the people that have done this: YOU HAVE NO SOUL. and your parents never loved you.
#2 Jan 04 2006 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
1,477 posts
Kopi wrote:
I realized I was running low on my sole sushi and went to Jeuno AH to buy some, and to my dismay, it was selling for 100,000 gil a stack. I was like, "wow, stupid gil sellers" well my ls has a high level cooker so I look up Black Sole, and that's 97,000. It's one thing to have "l33t" armor sold for ridiculous prices, but the consumable food? For the people that have done this: YOU HAVE NO SOUL. and your parents never loved you.

Surely it was gil sellers. Surely no honest cooks sell sole sushi. Surely no honest fishermen target black sole.
#3 Jan 04 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
I'm just saying that the prices have gone from 50K a stack for sole sushi to 100K in about a week. It's insane, that's all.
#4 Jan 04 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I think what he's trying to say to you is that it probably has nothing to do with gilsellers whatsoever.

And all in all I don't really think it's the gilsellers that have raised the prices of the economy. Yeah, they camp NM's constantly and sell all their items on the AH but they're not the ones buying them. Whenever the gil sellers sold things, the prices used to remain fairly constant. They didn't really jack them up. But all in all, even if they did, someone else would too who wasnt a gil seller. Don't misinterpret this and think I support gil selling. I DO NOT SUPPORT SELLING GIL.

I think a lot of it is based on either:
A)The laziness of people who love to get everything from the auction house instead of getting it themselves, paying more for things they should be. A simple, yet minor example of this is a scroll of Puppet's Operetta. The scroll sells for roughly 18k from the nation in first, yet at the AH it was roughly over 30k last I checked. Granted, 12k really isn't that much, but this is just a minor example. You're paying 1.66% the worth of the item for the convenience of the Auction house.
So what's the relevance of this? Think of the items that are a lot harder to get, and how much people can raise the prices because of this. Is your skill high enough to craft a scorpion harness? And how many Venomous Claws do you have in your moghouse?
B)Unlike the argument of selling gil, I do believe the argument of buying gil does stand. The people who buy gil have a lot more money on hand, and they can always pull out their credit card to get more. They're going to care a lot less if they pay 1 million more for an item than it's been selling for than someone who doesn't buy gil. Why? To them, money is no object, and gil isn't either.
C)I think another possible factor is how many people now have high level jobs, and want to have great gear for their current jobs and successive jobs they level up. Take a look at how many high level characters there are on the server. As more and more people start leveling jobs higher, the demand for these items is going to go up and because of that the prices are going to rise.
D)Also take into account that raising the price of one item has a high possibility of raising the price of other items as well. If you raise the price of materials, the price of those crafted items are going to go up as well.
In the case of food, all of the ingredients have gone up in price because so many people are cooking now. A lot of people, especially mages, level cooking so they can make juices when they party. Also, as food gets more popular, the price is going to rise because more food will have to be made, and more materials will be required to make that food.

I could go on but I don't want to make you all read my rant. Simply put, people can be really greedy, and the need for items can really drive the prices up.

Feel free to rate me down or whatever if you don't like what I've said.
#5 Jan 04 2006 at 7:34 PM Rating: Default
1,705 posts
Here is my theory,
I started playing this game 18 months ago. When i started the price of gil was roughly 50 bucks a million. I could not understand what kind of ****** would buy gil..let alone for 50 bucks a million. So if something say: scorpion harness was 2 mil it would cost you 100 bucks to own one. now gil is about 7 bucks a million and the scorpion harness is around 18 million. I don't do math but I bet it is close to the same amount of rl money for SH. If you think Gil sellers are not the ones driving the market I think you are foolish. Do I think others are taking advantage of this trend? Of course I do. But the bottom line is those gil sellers are killing the economy.

When you kill an IT mob and it gives everyone 8 gil it just proves that this game was not meant to be this expensive. Some one do the math..8 gil per IT mob carry the number of hrs devide by number of mobs per hour...then use the square root of the prime number and you guessed it, you take it right in the pooper. Gil sellers are a cancer to this game and left unchecked will kill it.

Edited, Wed Jan 4 19:36:17 2006 by deathsblessing
#6 Jan 04 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
deathsblessing wrote:
When you kill an IT mob and it gives everyone 8 gil it just proves that this game was not meant to be this expensive.

The only thing this proves is that they want the economy to be player-driven and diverse. They don't want people getting rich from XP. You can NPC fish for much larger amounts than 8 gil (not as large as it used to be, but still).

If they expected everyone to live off 8 gil per IT mob, I guess the vir/femina subligars are pretty ridiculous. 1 minute to kill an IT mob means you're farming 2 straight years without stopping to eat, sleep, drink, or use the facilities just to buy one, only to watch it break on the desynth. {excitement}
#7 Jan 05 2006 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
it was an exageration to prove a point. I thought if you were smart enough to read the post you would be smart enough to figure out the meaning. If you look carefully I don't think my math will work either :p
#8 Jan 05 2006 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
I figured if you were smart enough to make economical commentary, you'd be smart enough to realize that the whole economy is inflated as a whole. SH prices have tripled, sure, but so have prices for gold ore, darksteel ore, etc etc. Whatever your source of income is, it should have tripled in turn with whatever you're saving up for. If it hasn't, it's likely because it was affected by something else (SE dropping demand on arrows), so it shouldn't be hard to find a source of income consistent with the economy.

Anyway, it really doesn't matter how expensive it is. The only people it hurts are those who NPC items, as NPC items remain fixed. And anyone who buys items from an NPC and either immediately resells them or crafts them into end products are benefitting wildly as ingredients prices are plummeting in relation to their product sale prices.
#9 Jan 05 2006 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
791 posts
It also hurts anyone who holds on to large sums of gil.

The only solution to inflation imo is to get rid of gil buyers. Ban a couple and scare the **** out of the rest of them. What a lot of people don't understand is that as long as there are people willing to buy gil- there will always be gil sellers.
#10 Jan 05 2006 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
I wrote:
In all honesty, 90% of this new economy we now have can be blamed on gilbuyers. There was a HUGE sale on almost all of the gil selling sites for christmas. When people bought, the rather large stockpile of gil that the gil sellers had accumulated was suddenly released into the market, causing mass inflation. What do you know, a week before xmas, prices started to jump huge amounts. The people that are buying gil, and I believe these people to be in larger amount than people realize, are destroying the economy. The gil buyers have no put no value on the gil, and will bid any price for alsmost anything other than wait 1 day.
#11 Jan 05 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
<<B)Unlike the argument of selling gil, I do believe the argument of buying gil does stand. The people who buy gil have a lot more money on hand, and they can always pull out their credit card to get more. They're going to care a lot less if they pay 1 million more for an item than it's been selling for than someone who doesn't buy gil. Why? To them, money is no object, and gil isn't either.>>

Reality check, it is 1000000000 times harder to make money irl then in fake ffxi life. People are more likely to waste gil then money.

#12 Jan 05 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
These prices aren't inflation, they aren't gilsellers, they aren't gilbuyers. But, I will tell you exactly what it is.

GREED, and it's killing this game.
#13 Jan 05 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
how is it harder to make money irl than ffxi? people can work for an hour and buy close to a million, I'd like to see you try that consistently in game. Prices are going up, the stuff you are farming are also selling for more. The items that are currently in your keep are also worth more, isn't this then just more of the same? Who's losing? new players that will never be able to afford items. Those days when you take a week off to farm tiger fangs for leaping boots is no more.
#14 Jan 05 2006 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
how is it harder to make money irl than ffxi? people can work for an hour and buy close to a million

Because in real life normal people have to worry about things like bills and you know... eating? It isn't like in FF where every gil you earn you can put towards one item, in real life you have to learn to distribute your money so you can survive... quite literally.

EDIT: Because I'm a good speeler

Edited, Thu Jan 5 15:43:12 2006 by Weakness
#15 Jan 05 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,705 posts
I have noticed that the price of items is inversly proportional to the price of gil. The more the items go up the reverse is true for gil. so the gil sellers market is the same, but the above posters are right,(except for Zariko), The new players don't stand a chance. I just outfitted my lvl 10drg with gear ant it cost me 50 thousand gil for frickin lvl 10 gear. what new player has that money to burn? I have a 66 drk and at that leval you are making enough with bcnms and selling old gear you can do that. But the xbox360 noobs are going to be running around naked using bare fists.
#16 Jan 05 2006 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
so.. uh.. has anyone noticed the prices steadily decreasing of ALOT of items? just hold out on buying them for massive amounts.. the impatient people wind up undercutting things again and again and finally we have a semi-normal economy.. farm things you need for a while.. find a crafter you know if you need an item.. we can fix the problem, already started on a few things.. For example SH.. few days ago 18M.. now 13M.. we stop buying they stop selling.. and since the gilseller holiday rush is over we're in control again, not them.. i think we can actually make this an enjoyable game again if we try hard enough..
#17 Jan 05 2006 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
You miss a key point in the debate, gil is not artificially created, each 7 gil drop multiplied 1000x of times over the last few years creates a lot of gil to be bought or sold or used. Look at our own economy, gas cost 15 cents in the 1950s or w/e, now $3 a gallon in many places... As the supply of fake money increases naturally over time, think of it as printing money or gil, the prices naturally increase, as for 50k to outfit lvl 10 drg, ever heard of the npc store? do you really need +1 gear at lvl 10?
#18 Jan 05 2006 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
The gil seller/gil buyer/economy arguments remind me of those talking-head TV shows. You know the ones, the old guys ranting at each other over some contentious political point.

It's just the same thing. Of every fifty people yelling, five will actually understand the cause and effect of the issue, twenty people will complicate the matter beyond all recognition in order to prove a point, and twenty-five people will just parrot what the others say. It's very predicatable and depressing. I freaking hate those shows.

Long and short: if you don't want to pay the prices, don't pay them. If you can't get parties because you don't want to buy the ridiculously priced stuff, that's fine too, there are games other than this one out there.

Edited, Thu Jan 5 21:36:36 2006 by Sioux
#19 Jan 06 2006 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
50k is what, 1 stack of silk thread? 2-3 stacks of beehive chips? Really it's not hard to make more than 50k leveling 1-10 unless you decide to throw away all your drops or something. Plus, you can get a lot of stuff cheap from npcs at the low levels, so new players who sell their drops at the AH and buy armor from npcs should be financially better off than we were.

To the op if s/he still cares: sushi is made by the people who cook and fish, people who spent time leveling skills and making gil the legit way. They think it's just as ridiculous that they would have to catch double the fish or synth twice as much to afford the equips which have doubled in price as you do to have to pay twice as much for food. So really they're just like you; do you have a soul and loving parents?
#20 Jan 06 2006 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
You are guys are wrong about new players i think. I wish server prices were like this when I started out. Holy Cow.

Leather armor is what 10K for the whole set. Beechips are like 15k or something stupid like that. Silk is even more nuts, like 50k a stack. I would be sitting in fat city before I even made it to the dunes. New players have nothing to worry about since they will be able to fleece high levels like me that are too lazy to do their own farming.
#21 Jan 06 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
<<how is it harder to make money irl than ffxi? people can work for an hour and buy close to a million, I'd like to see you try that consistently in game. Prices are going up, the stuff you are farming are also selling for more. The items that are currently in your keep are also worth more, isn't this then just more of the same? Who's losing? new players that will never be able to afford items. Those days when you take a week off to farm tiger fangs for leaping boots is no more.>>

I could buy 6/7 mil per hour of work, but that is also work. FFXI is a game. If you think of ffxi as a job then quit now.
Getting gil isn't work. It isn't hard. It just takes time.
FFXI = fun Work = work. So many people spend so much time worrying about status items, trying to make there ffxi char as good as possible, and actually thinking that having a uber ffxi char is something to be proud of. FFXI is suppose to be fun, an escape from the stress of work. It isn't suppose to be your life. If buying a few mil gil would increase my fun, I would do it. Anyone that thinks that is wrong or gives a damn, needs to get a life.

Even posting here is nothing more then an escape. I do it as stress relief while at work. Reason I'm more grumpy on here then on ffxi.

#22 Jan 06 2006 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Getting gil isn't work. It isn't hard. It just takes time.

To some people, farming is just as tedious as work that they prefer farming in real life for gil, better return for their time. Who are you to tell them what's fun and what's work? I use to tell people who complained about how hard it is to earn gil. Instead of spending hours and hours fighting goobues and complaining why don't you just go get a job and buy gil, you're still spending that same amount of time making gil. Why spend real money on play money? the same reason why some people spend a hundred dollars to buy an old coin worth 25 cents, its a hobby, the game is a HOBBY to some people. I make fun of gil buyers all the time, yet I never condemned what they do.

When people started getting up in arms over gil buying, acting like gil buyers killed your parents or somethign, its funny, yet kinda disturbing at the same time. Its like a little child whining because other people got their toys in a different way and they feel jibbed. Alot of the richest and most uber people on the server doesn't buy gil. I see most of the complaining coming from casual players with minimal play time that saw people around them levelign up high and getting awesome gears. They then makes up for their lack of prowress in game by scoffing at other people by using the "they have no life thats why they got all that gears" or "omg they should've been gimp like me but they bought gil" comments. Either be like me and stay gimp, put in more playing time, or go buy gil, the option is yours.
#23 Jan 06 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
<<To some people, farming is just as tedious as work that they prefer farming in real life for gil, better return for their time. Who are you to tell them what's fun and what's work?>>

If your playing a game and not having fun that doesn't mean you are working. If you go and see a movie and hate it, you didn't go to work.

FFXI = game
FFXI doesn't = Work

#24 Jan 06 2006 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
look at the price of rice that reason so much , im high lv cook (92)and since some people got the rice price jacked up last i seen 35k stacks jueno (camping the only spot buy rice in windy like lottery), we had to jack the sushis up , if look all sushi gone up, once all people start to garden (takes days) rice and load up on rice, and under cut rice back to about 8k stacks the price should drop again,and So less people making sushi to undercut the ah only reason price gone up so high on sushi. Rice just dang pricey at all 4 AH, jueno was last i look highest price. others just started get jacked up sandy and bastok

Cooks need make same profit margin as before so, those that got there gardens ready and got rice , will get higher profit right now , soon hopefully enough people garden rice to drop rice back down, but some cooks can make same gil if buy rice from ah, only if they jack price up on sushi really , all happening is getting same profit margin higher price sushi.

so if like get sushi price back down need lower price of AH rice since all other ingredents are easier to get and, tend be more fix price. fish well just fish for self, 2 other ingredents can be camp from tenshue headquarters but usally if price to high get from ah cheaper, and not worth selling those AH if no one making sushi, so cheap from tenshue.
#25 Jan 07 2006 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I used to grow rice, then the price of grain seeds shot up x.x
#26 Jan 09 2006 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
417 posts
I think a lot of it is based on either:
A)The laziness of people who love to get everything from the auction house instead of getting it themselves

Not everyone has 12 hours to camp a notorious monster, or has a lvl 100 Smithing level to make that shiny new Haubergeon. The Auction House, hence, is the only other way, for non-crafters like myself.

C)I think another possible factor is how many people now have high level jobs, and want to have great gear for their current jobs and successive jobs they level up.

I've said it once, I'll say it again: More and more people are going to have high lvl jobs, because that's the name of the game.

I'm not meaning any hate, Annalise, but I'm just giving my debatable opinions.
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