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If I wanted a SH I would be pissed...Follow

#1 Dec 28 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Excellent
594 posts
C'mon guys and gals...two of you wonderful members of Bismarck paid double on the AH for a scorpion harness making the last two sales for 23 million and 26 million.

You want to talk about messing up the economy? Don't blame gil sellers anymore...blame the morons who wish to pay twice the already inflated price for an item that should never have been worth more than 5 million tops.

I havent ever made a complaint thread and I dont intend to again, but when I see a blatantly ridiculous thing like this just pisses me off.
#2 Dec 28 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
I just saw this in the AH history...

Jeanluc ==> Zeratul 15,000,000 Dec 27th 3:56:52pm
Nony ==> Stormri... 23,000,000 Dec 27th 11:26:58pm
Sheyenne ==> Nony 26,000,000 Dec 27th 11:43:34pm

Looks extreamly odd to me, anyone else?
The price nearly doubled (for the umteenth time) in 8 hours?
#3 Dec 28 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
130 posts
lookin awful shadey on Nony's part >.> I always thought he was a good guy too.....
#4 Dec 28 2005 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
271 posts
wow...simply wow...

No other word can describe the bunch of idiots who couldn't wait to buy something a decent price (or look for a alternative)

or the idiots raising prices on items..

This Nony,Stormsomething or Sheyenne fellows.. NA or japanese? gotta know about this.
#5 Dec 28 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
130 posts
All of them NA possibly one char with mules.

I'm still in shock and find it disheartening to say the least =/

Edited, Wed Dec 28 02:22:17 2005 by Tracylou
#6 Dec 28 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
940 posts
it gets worse. in response to the SH price hike, the SH+1 sells for 30 mil now
#7 Dec 28 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
1,705 posts
this is just another case of a couple of greedy retards trying to artificially inflate the price of something so they can scam some poor gil buyin fool out of his money. it is really disgraceful that someone I used to know would stoop to this. It probably isn't the nony I knew but some asshat that bought the account and is now trying to jerk everyone around. the obvious answer is to not buy the stuff at the inflated price and let them eat the fee for listing it. will that happen? doubt it..with gil online as low as 5 bucks a million some 40 yr old virgin will swipe his visa and pay the hundred bucks to buy 20 millon gil. but that is human nature to be greedy like nony and lazy like all the asshats that drive the gil selling market.
#8 Dec 28 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
477 posts
I don't understand. I mean that I REALLY don't undestand. Why do people insist on buying this stuff for stupid amounts? I'm starting to think that not only should SE limit the amount of gil something can be put on the AH for, but also the amount of gil that people are allowed to have. This is just getting ridiculous. Why in the name of all that is holy would you EVER pay over 10 million, hell over 2 million for a piece of armor? That crap better make it so I never miss, never get hit, and have STR +1000 before I will EVER pay that amount.

Greed makes you ugly people
#9 Dec 28 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
594 posts
Heres the follow up...

Two graeat player in an effort to erase the SH history sold one to themselves for 1 gil. Kaiser and Grayfox, many thanks to you. However in their zeal, some *** hat jumped in and got a SH for less than 100gil. So these two pioneers lost money trying to do a good deed.

I would ask that everyone who cares send them each 5k gil. Lets see if we can get them some money back in their pockets. I dont care if they are rich and don't need to be reimbursed. People need to be shown that good deeds really do pay for themselves.

I have not spoken to either person and this is not a ploy to get them gil...I just think it is the right thing to do.
#10 Dec 28 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
And this my friends is why ffxi will be gone in a year.. if nothing is done that is..
#11 Dec 28 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
pardon the cross server posting, but someone linked this in Midgardsormr, and i just noticed this on KI and wanted to share (yeah, i'm bored at work):

related to the SH being bought for less that 100g.

Edited, Wed Dec 28 10:32:52 2005 by Cooterbrown
#12 Dec 28 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
I used to know Kaiser and Grayfox as they were part of my LS at one time.

What I find odd is that in probably the 10 short minutes it would have taken these guys to erase as much of the AH history as they did, what are the chances that some person would come by and bid 10gil on a Scorpion Harness.

Unless Fios just happened to check the current prices while Kaiser and Gray were in the process of resetting the price and see if they could(in a sense) legitimately steal it in the process.

The other thing. If you are going to reset the price on the Scorpion Harness, you better try resetting the price on the Venemous Claw used to make it as I am sure it is jacked up in price right now as well.

Edited, Wed Dec 28 11:09:39 2005 by IronhideBismarck
#13 Dec 28 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
Not only do I want to kick the people who tried to jack up the price in the nuts, but I want to **** kick the guy who screwed over the two people trying to HELP the server from here to canada and back...
#14 Dec 28 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
deathsblessing wrote:

this is just another case of a couple of greedy retards trying to artificially inflate the price of something so they can scam some poor gil buyin fool out of his money. it is really disgraceful that someone I used to know would stoop to this. It probably isn't the nony I knew but some asshat that bought the account and is now trying to jerk everyone around. the obvious answer is to not buy the stuff at the inflated price and let them eat the fee for listing it. will that happen? doubt it..with gil online as low as 5 bucks a million some 40 yr old virgin will swipe his visa and pay the hundred bucks to buy 20 millon gil. but that is human nature to be greedy like nony and lazy like all the asshats that drive the gil selling market.

Thought you was talkin about yourself there till I remembered your turning 41...LOL
#15 Dec 28 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Yeah, this is really starting to get retarded. I saw those SHs sold last night at 23 & 26m... These morons have been doing this for the last few weeks to al sorts of items on the AH, but this time it was just a little too excessive.

This alone proves it always isnt the sellers jacking up the prices. About a week and half ago I put a SH on the AH for 8.2m and it sold for 10m. I got a talon for cheap the other day, made a weskit and listed it on the AH for 8.9m ~ the going rate was 9.9m so I figured I'd give someone a little break, it sold for 10m.

I also noticed these same 2 ppl that bought the SHs did the same thing to elusive earrings last night, however the price bump was only about another 1.2m or so. It is just starting to get old and retarded.

In regards to the guys selling the SH for 1g and someone bought it for 10g ~ well thats some funny stuff right there. Would have made more sense had they listed it for about 7m or so - that price I think is reasonable.
#16 Dec 28 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Seriously you guys. Stop using the AH for purchases for anything you possibly can. The more people that are self sufficent the better the chance the economy will start to reset itself.

I think everyone that reads this thread knows that SH isn't worth 26 mil. Don't let peer pressure force you to make bad purchasing decisions because it would really suck to pay 26mil for a harness to have the price drop to 13mil in a month or two.
#17 Dec 28 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
sorry to hear this, i'm on fenrir randomly popping other server's forum to see if its the same and.... and its the same '-'

fenrir prices
10day ago
p.charm 11.5m,
SH/SH+1 8.5m/15m
hauby/+1 5m/10m
flame ring: 2.4m

p.charm 30m (24,27,30)
sh/sh+1 15m/26m
hauby/+1 15m/20m
flame ring: 6m

wtf '-'
#18 Dec 28 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
#19 Dec 28 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
Stormriderx is someone I know in RL, and AFAIK none of those are his mules. He's AFK right now so I can't ask him what was running through his head. Based on RL experience: he doesn't like to wait.
#20 Dec 28 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
LOL Bismarck is fu[b][/b]cked.
#21 Dec 28 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
Ok.. Stormriderx is my RL friend's mule. He meant to bid on a SH+1 and has since sold the 23mil SH via AH for 15m....
#22 Dec 28 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Malkov, do you EVER check your POL messages? I swear, every screenshot I've ever seen has either zero messages or more than ten.

I saw one guy with 200+ in a screenshot <_<
#23 Dec 28 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
I would check them but I don't know my POL email password.
#24 Dec 28 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
130 posts
Ok.. Stormriderx is my RL friend's mule. He meant to bid on a SH+1 and has since sold the 23mil SH via AH for 15m....

It's nice of you to stick up for your rl friend, but personally if I were to buy an SH I wouldn't use a mule to do it. I would want my name up on those boards so everyone could see that I have one.

The fact that the transactions were pretty much back to back and Nony's name was tied to both the sales...makes me believe your friend was tied up in this shadey business of jacking prices up.

Just an update...Nony has since sold his SH for 15 mil >.> Guess it didn't turn out like he wanted. It must have hurt a little on the taxes that he had to pay to put it up there 3 times lol.
#25 Dec 28 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
Tracylou wrote:
Just an update...Nony has since sold his SH for 15 mil >.> Guess it didn't turn out like he wanted. It must have hurt a little on the taxes that he had to pay to put it up there 3 times lol.

That proves that Bismarckians won't stand for the jacked up prices. I still think whatever it was going for (7-10mil?) is completely outrageous but hey, like a good friend once said, bein' Ãœber ain't easy. And I'll never be Ãœber Smiley: grin
#26 Dec 28 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
Tracylou wrote:
Ok.. Stormriderx is my RL friend's mule. He meant to bid on a SH+1 and has since sold the 23mil SH via AH for 15m....

It's nice of you to stick up for your rl friend, but personally if I were to buy an SH I wouldn't use a mule to do it. I would want my name up on those boards so everyone could see that I have one.

The fact that the transactions were pretty much back to back and Nony's name was tied to both the sales...makes me believe your friend was tied up in this shadey business of jacking prices up.

Just an update...Nony has since sold his SH for 15 mil >.> Guess it didn't turn out like he wanted. It must have hurt a little on the taxes that he had to pay to put it up there 3 times lol.

I'm guessing Nony tried to profit from the mistake by jacking prices up higher, realized it didn't work, gave in and sold it. This Sheyenne person must be loving it :D

Edited, Wed Dec 28 18:07:41 2005 by TheRielist
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