because S-E is a bussiness ... S-E wants money... and gilseller bring them money.. period. S-E knows well that their game wont last forever so they will try to get the more money they can from it before the game die.
heh. even SOE bans accounts for stuff like that. And if there is one MMO business after money more than anything else, that would be SOE.
Doing business isn't always so simplistic as "if I ban this account, I'll get 15$ less per month". Sometimes, it implies determining how many people will quit as a consequence of having their gaming experience ruined, and determining if it's worth it.
Or if the game will die because of it.
How old is FFXI now, close on 4 years ? barely above 2 in america... How many active accounts do you think there will be in another 3 years, proportionally to the number of accounts there are today ?
Not all MMOs die after a couple years... but if you suck them dry, they'll do the same as an overworked (cash)cow, heh... And then you get to invest another 30ish millions to build another one!