Ok, this isnt a rant, but im still a bit in shock.
As most of you have now noticed, while looking for a party, you check to see who else is looking, and now..you notice everyone from every lv who is also looking..... this sux.
And for me, this is why. I have turned to lving whm, which is at lv 10, therefore, im in hell, aka the dunes. I havent had 1 bit of party xp to this point, yet i have 4 parties. None that ive been lead for...but here is how everyone of them has went down.
1st pt- 3 members, lv range 10-12, lead invites a 19 blm
2nd pt- 2 members, lv range, both lv 10, lead invites a 16 drg (ew :P)
3rd pt- 5 members, lv range 10-12, lead invites a lv 20 war
And the worst one of them all so far....
4th pt- 4 members, lv range 10-13, the asshat leader invites....a lv 65 whm...O_O w...t....h...
I hope either they fix this, or i hope thier is a way to change it, and then post all over the place, that this can be changed...cuz this is bad....atleast..i think so.
I miss when only a few months ago, that like 75% of the people in the dunes were all rank 8+, now i guess its more like 10%...
Ah well, xbox...damn you! :P