i think it has a lot to do with a lot of people hitting 75, its a lot easier to make money when your level 75.
I've never understood this at all concider i've made 80% of all my gil on my lvl 7 mule which i leveled woodworking on. I've spent time farming a lot of stuff people even @75 usually can't farm as effecently and i still only average 60-100k/hr farming assuming i get good drop rates or 60-200k/hr mining in Oldton Movopolus/Gusgen. Now with my mule i averaged 100-200k/hr from making acid/bloody bolts and AHing them in Sandy and Jeuno. True i used my main to sell in jeuno but hey people get lvl 1 mules to jeuno so it doesn't take high lvls to get there.
also a lot of people are getting 2nd and 3rd jobs at 75, and they want the l33tist gears they can get for all there jobs. so now there is less leet gears on the AH to buy, so people are forced to pay more. i know i have some nice war equips for levels 30 and 40, that equipment is pretty much out of the system now (it just sits on my mules till i need it), same for my blms and rdm jobs.
I do agree with this concidering i held gear for my SMN, WHM, and NIN but i was leveling those off and on all the time. I also kept gear for missions but who doesn't.
if everyone does this with rare gears then the price goes up, because everyone wants to be awesome.
With all the new food options I don't really understand this becuase i've seen "gimpy" and "uber" people at their jobs and barring a few things for some jobs it makes little differnce to me sure the uber would do like 100-300 more damage but how many people notice that in a normal pt?
i heard someone bought like 27 d. ingots over the course of a week trying to make a cursed hauburk -1, prices sky rocketed, because hello, everyone and there brother is leveling war and sam, and everyone expects you to have one or you suck.
This doesn't really surprise me but everytime i've seen this happen with items that are hard to HQ there would be a lot of NQs needing to be sold so the prices tend to drop. For example that i can think of when this first happened Amamet Mantles and Blue Capes but that's also because these items aren't as hard to get which i do think is one of the biggest problems with some other items but then they wouldn't be rare and hard to come by items/gear. SE never intended for everyone and their mother to have a Haubergeon/Hauburk/Scorpion Harness or anything concidered "uber".
I've owned a Haubergeon and Scorpion Harness and due to Sushi and other foods they are over rated. They are nice but not needed.
Does a BLM need the Wisket set when XPing? concidering most BLMs don't get to nuke as much anymore endgame due to the larger amounts of damage they already do, do they need to do more? No, do they want to? Sure why not but that's not a NEEDED thing.
The uber gears are luxory items they always have been and always will be. Just because some moron thinks you have to have X armor to be good at X job doesn't mean they are right. Most everyone i've ever PTed with while i was around that was worth anything to their job didn't care about what you had/did as long as you got the job done well.
Not everyone will be the uberst leet becuase if they all were then it wouldn't be so uber leet now would it? This i think is what many people are forgetting when they play. Anyone remember the Dunes? how many of us went there in uber gear? did we still get the job done decently? I'd like to think so.