I was browsing some of our neighbor servers' forums and I saw that CaitSith had a good idea. If you look, they have a sticky post for fanfics. I am not entirely sure how to go about getting a sticky post made, but the reason why I would like to see one on our forum is because as a writer, I enjoy sharing my work with others and it is a little disparaging thinking that my works will be buried over time. I know I'm not the only writer "publishing" here, and on the surface it may seem like a selfish request only for me or to let me be an attention *****.
But for those who have probably toyed with the idea of writing a little FF11 story, do you feel if you had a "permanent" and visible place to post your stories, would you write? Even if not, would you like to see a repository made for others' writings? If I am truly alone here on the idea I can bow out gracefully and let my stories fade under every new post...but if there are others out there who support the idea of a Bismarck Fiction Repository, then let's get one made!
Just, uh, now how do we go about doing it? ~_~,