honestly is it really the gilsellers ******* the economy of the game?
looking at the AH i dont know the last time a gilseller camped kracken but the price of the kracken club has been rapidly increasing in price up to 25 million gil!!
ive also never seen one gilseller craft the haubergeon but that has somehow managed to climb its way to 5 mil gil.
you ever notice how everwina gloribel and anitalee used to dominate the ochidus kote? well since the three of them dropped of the face of bismarck the price of ochidus kote has jumped from a steady 2 mil gil to 5+mil gil.
ive also seen player such as haoooooo show up at a guild before it opens then they buy out all stock of 1 item right as it opens and sell at a ridiculously high price on AH.
or how about the high level people that make ten of millions per week deciding they want to level a craft. ive seen this one happen many many times. they dont care about money at this point just about getting to a high craft level. so for some strange reason instead of just selling what the make to the guild or to a store they sell at a very very low price on the AH. they dont care this isnt their way of making money. but for those that use crafting as a way of making their money they are stuck lowering their prices to where they no longer make a profit or their stuff doesnt sell.
im not saying in any way that gilsellers should be allowed to stick around. i hate them and wish SE would take better steps into getting rid of them. but i dont think the gilsellers are the biggest problems facing this game right now. with idiot players ******* over the economy themselves the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting more poor. the poor are finding it harder and harder to advance in the game because they dont have this super awesome gear the rich do. and lets all face it we will all choose the mnk with ochidus kote and jujitsu gi and brown belt over the mnk that cant afford this.
this is probably the wrong way to look at it but i think square probably sees these gilselling comanies as an easy way to bridge that gap between the rich and the poor and thats why they do nothing about it. honestly square needs to implement more ways of making gil in the game before they deal with the gilsellers.