Well how was everyone's weekend?
In game:
Took BLM to 45, almost 46. Got a new toy to look forward to:
Had a successful Phomiuna Aqueducts run with the LS, less than half of us were even signed on and we still had 17 show up for the {fun} o.O RenkeiDorkz is getting big.
Got several subligar and Gobbiebag VI items while we were farming down there as well, congrats to those who got their panties.
Out of game:
Finally raked the lawn, yardwork is one of the things about home ownership I wasn't looking forward to And driveway shovelling is right around the corner. Ah well, still beats apartments.
The baby taru is 6 months in 9 days o.O We have her 6 month pictures today. Here's her halloween outfit, she was a pea pod.
Not much else, how is everyone else doing this Monday?