Hey Bismark'ians. I was wondering, more like hoping that someone on the boards in my world would help me get that friggin paper for the quest for Maat to raise your cap to 55.
Now, no one told me of this cap. As i creep to 50, and it wasnt till after 30 mins after parting that I realized there was a cap. I have the bomb core, and mold thanks to my new linkshell(thanks Guys) And of course my main shell (livewire) are THE BESTEST but I'm starting to feel sorta link leechy.I'd love to help them out, but I'm either too low or dont know what the crap they're talking about.
ANyway, my main point is. I'd like to get help from people outside my linkshell, With rse 3 coming up...I KNOW i'm gonna need their help, and besides, the 75 MNK on my link is only on during the mornings. Monk >>>undead. So Yeah. Can i get some help? Please PleASSSSEE?!
I'll be on later today, After 2 or 3 EST. Just send a /tell Olairik. I will most likely be leveling in the dunes...SEE with that cap I gotta level in the dunes!!
Thanks for you time! Cookies will be served now.