It's me again, MzM the Galka always looking to the community to get things done =p
Well LS recently helped me finish up 4-2: the Ouryu fight and now I'm looking for a team to get me caught up to speed. A few have agreed to help run through this with me again, but now I'm looking for people that need the mission aswell. From the KI/Allaka forums I've read it can be done with 6 but I would prefer to go in well equiped with more if possible. Honestly though, I'll take whatever is give to me on that day.
Let me know of the your alias, the jobs you have to offer and of any you know that might need this awell. If we get a team together I'm sure we can get this done. I'm looking to start this earlier in the day @ around 11am/12pm PST and figure it would take a few hours. Personally I've got until 4/5 pm PST as my time limit ^^;
PS: MzM - MNK 50+ NIN 50+ ... yep that's it (O_~)v