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#1 Oct 14 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
If you would like to join an HNM linkshell, check out our website at . You need to be level 65+ and have sky access.
#2 Oct 14 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
Few things you might want to look into. =P First and foremost not many people have Sky at 65, you could just offer to put them on probation until they get sky and they can just help with other NM's (Serket and such). Second you neglected to say how the points in your point system are obtained. And third

First 2 weeks they cannot Lot or gain points..

That rule flat out sucks =P. Anyway good luck to your LS.

Oh yeah and I noticed on your recruiting jobs thing you are a bit bias towards DRG and BST, where's the love there?

EDIT: ;;>.> TseTsuo made me realize I should fix this...

Edited, Sun Oct 16 00:06:36 2005 by Weakness
#3 Oct 14 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Is because those jobs are not very useful end game
#4 Oct 14 2005 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Is because those jobs are not very useful end game

Because all the DRGs will hit for 3 damage a swing, and the BSTs will spend the majority of their time MPKing everyone? Or is it because of the usual senseless bias against these two jobs?

Factors that determine lotting are as follows. JB points > Job > Level > Attendance.

Does that mean that, a guy who shows up for every single event, may lose out on an item to a guy who shows up twice a month at best just because his job has a higher priority?
#5 Oct 15 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
12,501 posts
Not on ur server, but those rules are horrible.

Should be Attendence> Job needed> Wish list. or something like that.

DRG Are actually GOOD End game, Super jump to loose hate after a big weapon skill. And Spirits within with a sword. They are as good as a WAR/DRK/ any other sword user DAmage wise on bigname HNM's.

but, its ur HNM LS, run it the way u want.
#6 Oct 15 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
Is because those jobs are not very useful end game

*cough* *cough* sorry, just been a little sick lately.

;;>.> Might wanna check peoples profile before saying things like that. And when you have to deal with links don't go crying to the SMN while he is in the middle of a blood pact when you could of just had the BST handle it.
#7 Oct 15 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
Come on now, he's just showing his site off. He's probably new to the whole HNMLS thing, go complain on his website instead of embarrassing him on alla.
#8 Oct 15 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
That rule flat out sucks =P. Anyway good luck to your LS.

Actually its a good rule, in game 2 weeks is nothing as most people who take the time to join an HNMLS are in it for the long haul.

By putting in the 2 week "probation period" it keeps people from joining lotting on a serket ring or w/e and then bouncing, also it lets people get to know the member and know that they are attending to help not because they are getting stuff out of it.

As for BST and DRG ... yea when you start having events like Hkt. eye runs and what not having a BST is very helpful. I don't think we would have made it there on our first run if not for the 2 BST we had helping clear out adds and aggros when sneak/invis wore at a poor time.

And having a DRG being able to jump/high jump/voke an HNM that went errant towards the mages, lead it away then super jump off the hate is very valuable.

Obviously jobs like BLM/WHM/RDM/BRD and NIN/PLD's will be in higher demand but don't discount the usefulness of all the other jobs. No job is useless as long as the player behind it knows what they are doing.
#9 Oct 15 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
By putting in the 2 week "probation period" it keeps people from joining lotting on a serket ring or w/e and then bouncing, also it lets people get to know the member and know that they are attending to help not because they are getting stuff out of it.

Well I have no problem with not being able to get items your first two weeks, it is just not being able to earn points. I know when I got into my HNM linkshells that I couldn't lot on high value items (granted we usually sold ours and split the profit, unless someone REEEEEALLY wanted it and was willing to spend their points). And as far as dynamis went, if you helped pay, you could lot on currency, and as for Relic Armor pieces, we would never let a Rare/EX item go to waste because someone didn't have enough points/was new/whatever reason. We were all very curtious about Relic actually, because I mean we understood that people who show up more often should be able to get it, and like say for instance (I was the only DRG so I never had to worry lol) you had like two DRG, one or the other would usually let the other guy lot as long as they got a piece next time. But if I hadn't been able to earn points when I first joined what would be the point in showing up to events? I mean I went like my first three weeks in one linkshell not lotting on anything so I could blow my points on getting help for me camping Ose. I know Ose isn't a HNM, but I was 64 at the time and needed help getting an assault jerkin ;;>.>.

And thanks for your input on those two jobs TseTsuo, finally someone who understands that all jobs have a purpose.

EDIT: =P forgot stuff...

Edited, Sat Oct 15 23:45:17 2005 by Weakness
#10 Oct 16 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts

As for BST and DRG ... yea when you start having events like Hkt. eye runs and what not having a BST is very helpful. I don't think we would have made it there on our first run if not for the 2 BST we had helping clear out adds and aggros when sneak/invis wore at a poor time.

Prism/Oils, Do you know it? What HMNL are you from? Using a BST to help clear the way to Haku...Mauahahahah, please, please, you're killing me.

And having a DRG being able to jump/high jump/voke an HNM that went errant towards the mages, lead it away then super jump off the hate is very valuable.

First using BST to clear the path to Haku, then this! You HMNL's ideal?

Look, if you know what you're talking about, you would have not say such thing. When NIN/PLD constantly beeing SATA on and constantly building hate, a provoke... ~100dmgs Jump... from a dragoon will not do a ****. Mages get hate, tanks fail to get hate back quick, mages die. And let's say if in the case that he manage to get hate, do you know how long he will last, especially the five gods, CoP dragons, B, KB, Nig, Faf, and ect.? Let's say in the relative of 1 second.

I hear these ***** on Allakazham all the time. And Allakazham is a joke. People say pretty anything just to impress the 'public sense of fairness' to build up their 'Sage' status.

No job is useless as long as the player behind it knows what they are doing.

Yeah, i know, i know. You're have to close that statement of fairness to keep up the good Karma. The fact is that all notible HMNLs out there do not use DRGS/BSTS for a reason. RNGS are not employed on CoP dragons for a reason. These ***** are getting rediculous. The facts are more bounded to the number of Karma (public sphere) than the facts itself.

And yeah, i do expect a the public mobs to omgwtf nuke this post. Prove my point right.
#11 Oct 16 2005 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
229 posts
You're posting from Texas? My god... I know people who's english is better learned from bathroom walls. My god man you are a shining example of what is wrong with our Schools here in America. I mean normally I do not talk smack about peoples english just in case they are from another country but Damn man wow the whole point of your horrible post is completely lost as I tried to decipher this broken text mess put before my eyes.

Seriously man you need to go back to school or at least pay more attention. Damn. Could someone translate this drivel for me please? {Thank you!}
#12 Oct 17 2005 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
928 posts
You're posting from Texas? My god... I know people,
who's english is better learned from bathroom walls. My god man, you are a shining example of what is wrong with our Schools (<shouldn't be capitilized) here in America. I mean,(<comma here) normally I do not talk smack (<smack? interesting slang NON english word) about peoples (<people is singular and plural peoples is not a word) english just in case they are from another country,(<comma here)but Damn man,(comma)wow(comma) the whole point of your horrible post is completely lost as I tried to decipher this broken text mess put before my eyes.

Seriously man you need to go back to school or at least pay more attention. Damn. Could someone translate this drivel for me please? {Thank you!}

Please use commas so I know what in the hell your saying. I'll agree that the post above your post is worse, but you shoudn't talk about people and then make mistakes. Oh, one more thing. I want to let you in on a secret. ALOT OF MEXICANS MOVE TO TEXAS FORM THE BORDER! Who's to say that, though the post is from texas, HE CAN WRITE ENGLISH WELL!? Btw , if you didnt know PEOPLES IS NOT A WORD! Plural of PEOPLE IS PEOPLE.(See above quote for mistakes). Seriously man you need to go back to school or something....... :P just thought I should point out that people shouldnt talk about other people when they themselves make mistakes too.

Edited, Mon Oct 17 02:37:10 2005 by Fumikuu
#13 Oct 17 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
XxMortimerxX wrote:
You're posting from Texas? My god... I know people who's english is better learned from bathroom walls. My god man you are a shining example of what is wrong with our Schools here in America. I mean normally I do not talk smack about peoples english just in case they are from another country but Damn man wow the whole point of your horrible post is completely lost as I tried to decipher this broken text mess put before my eyes.

Seriously man you need to go back to school or at least pay more attention. Damn. Could someone translate this drivel for me please? {Thank you!}

Your grammar and punctuation is horrible, not to mention you don't use some of those words in their proper context. (e.g. who's is short for who is, proper word is whose)

To Maxieu(whatever your names is)

BST is always useful. Jug pets outdamage most jobs easily without adversely affecting hate. There's a reason on some other servers BST LS take down Tiamat sub 30min with ease.

Dragoon....well. They need to be fixed.

I also do believe the most commonly used term is HNMLS.
#14 Oct 17 2005 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
i think i made a friend!

Prism/Oils, Do you know it? What HMNL are you from? Using a BST to help clear the way to Haku...Mauahahahah, please, please, you're killing me.

I know them well, i know the spells sneak and invis also. I, as well as many other people, know that occasionally these wear off at the most inopportune time, esp when bringing 18+ people through. So while i hardly said "OMG you MUST bring 50 BST's with you" I did say, it's nice to have BST's able to handle rough spots when an add/aggro occurs at a bad time.

When NIN/PLD constantly beeing SATA on and constantly building hate, a provoke... ~100dmgs Jump... from a dragoon will not do a sh*t.

Hmm k.... what about when the tank dies unexpectedly. That wonderful hate doesn't mean jack when you're eating dirt.

Yeah, i know, i know. You're have to close that statement of fairness to keep up the good Karma.

My posts get rated down regardless of their content. I post my opinion regardless of what rating it will receive.

And yeah, i do expect a the public mobs to omgwtf nuke this post. Prove my point right.


What's funny is that although the BST situation was true and did happen i was merely speculating on the DRG scenario. While i do think that would work in principal i have never seen it, in terms of an HNM fight, though i have seen it in XP parties when the tank died unexpectedly. So who will survive longer a DRG or a mage while being beat on? Either way DRG is DD and DD is needed. Perhaps not as much on the actual HNM fights (no more than any other DD) but all the pop items still need to be obtained before hand.

I am curious though as to which HNMLS you belong to.
#15 Oct 17 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Anybody that says BST are useless in an HNMLS is ever-so-slightly retarded. At the very least, they're excellent add control in tight situations, like an Aspidochelone camp, or helping kill spawned Gods in sky. They can pull some decent numbers, given the correct situation, and their pets can do a sizeable amount of damage, as well. Sure, they're not going to do so much damage they pull hate from the tank, but who wants that, anyway?

Even DRG can be excellent add control, if the need arises. They can deal moderate damage, and their ability to shed hate is a very great attribute to have.

Neither of those abilities are job-defining, but they can be very useful in a lot of situations. As much as I may be a DRG-basher, I will warrant that they can be extremely useful in situations, as can any other job.

But DRG still sucks. (Sorry, had to keep up my mojo.)
#16 Oct 17 2005 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
I'm not a BST so I will keep my opinion hidden here, but I have seen a BST do Rampage that out damaged the WAR... and no the WAR wasn't gimped in any way.

And as for the whole DRG situation go look at the DRG forums to see what a DRG can do during an HNM fight. =P One nice thing is that little flying thing we have that hits for 15~30 damage regardless of the mobs defense.

So let's put this in perspective, let's just say the wyvern hits for a constant 20 damage with 80% accuracy over an hour long fight, assuming the wyvern hits every three seconds (which is about the best estimate I can give you). So that is 20 hits per minute, which would be 1200 hits per hour, at 20 damage each that is 24000 damage, then add in accuracy that I mentioned as 80% so 24000 x .8 = 19200 from the wyvern alone on an hour long fight. Not adding in the DRG damage.

EDIT: ;;>.> Because I'm a moron.

Edited, Mon Oct 17 22:30:29 2005 by Weakness

Edited, Mon Oct 17 22:25:12 2005 by Weakness
#17 Oct 17 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
375 posts
BST are EXTREMELY USEFULL and needed in any HNMLS.Just ask any REAL HNMLS.

DRG unfortunately got screwed at the games inception as far as HNMs go. I myself do not consider, Roc, Serket, Sim, Aqua etc. as HNMs as it takes less than a XP PT to kill any of them.

The old argument of the DRG voking and jump/superjump to save the day is unfortunatley wishful thinking. If you have actually been in a REAL HNM situation, you would know this. The DRG Wyvern will also be dead almost immediately on a real HNM from any AOE. Ive heard DRGs in the past /cry when a Darter took out their Wyvern in 2 minutes. You think the Wyvern is going to last on HNM ability spams?.

I understand defending your job because you truly love and enjoy it but there comes a time where you have to actually understand you jobs limitations. That goes for ALL jobs (well, maybe outside of BLM).
Pride means nothing after when your face down for the 5th time and the MP used to raise you yet again could mean the difference in your LS mission failing or succeeding.

#18 Oct 17 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
The old argument of the DRG voking and jump/superjump to save the day is unfortunatley wishful thinking.

That's allowed sometimes :)
#19 Oct 17 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
So that is 20 hits per minute, which would be 120 hits per hour

20 times 6 would be 120 hit, an hr has 60 mins in it, not 6 so it would be 1200 hits/hr, increasing their dmg 10 fold.
#20 Oct 17 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
20 times 6 would be 120 hit, an hr has 60 mins in it, not 6 so it would be 1200 hits/hr, increasing their dmg 10 fold.

O.o;; Holy **** I can't do basic math skills any more... gonna go fix that now lol.
#21 Oct 17 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
271 posts
well, using Wyvern damage is also a bit of wishful thinking. But...
1) Some HNM are kited....
2)AoE can kill the wyvern...
3)If you are taking one hour for certain HNM, they might go in God mode...and have "few" problems then

The numbers are impressive for a DoT but on a HNM, at least to my limited HNM experience(forgive me if i'm horribly wrong), it's NOT about DoT. It's about how fast you can kill the HNM "X" before your mages are out of mp, your tank get killed and then everyone else (unless he can be kited for a while butthat goes back to problem 1 and 3).As example of it, take the Snoll fight in CoP 5-3, you don't kill it with DoT.

Drg can be very good when used right. Sadly, their damage isn't much loved in HNM but Drg/Whm(or any mages) does have a good potential, it's a very efficient healer mp-wise.

#22 Oct 18 2005 at 3:18 AM Rating: Excellent
510 posts
I can't help but to bust a gut laughing at this thread.

DRG sucks, get over it. 300% TP Spirits Within Ready!

You are invited to join an alliance.

You use Spirits Within.

You leave the alliance to build more TP.

You meditate three times.

God is already dead.

DRG is perfect EXP PT wise, You put them in sky and they're just another spirits within *****. Let's let this conversation die off now.
#23 Oct 18 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
306 posts
Just don't let your shell turn out to be like this one with a player such as this

Them admitting it to be alright to steal, MPK, and CFH

Their position on friends getting together to kill an HNM

It appears that this linkshell believes that only HNM linkshells can kill HNMs and that people can't come if only for chance of HQ which this LS has done many many times in the past (yes they are hypocrites). Is strange since they wiped to fafnir within 5 minutes of claim not to long ago from what I heard someone that was there said.

This LS also believes that it is ok for them to CFH as long as it betters their chance of getting it. They hated Force Elite for what they do yet then this LS does the same exact thing.

I lose all respect for this shell. It used to be the best on Bismarck but people got greedy and it's leadership changed so much. Please don't become like this linkshell.
#24 Oct 18 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
386 posts
your sig says you are retired from ffxi, yet you still haunt the forums?
#25 Oct 18 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
No one cares Balgareth.
#26 Oct 19 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
double post =/

Edited, Wed Oct 19 10:50:48 2005 by Ayrilana
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