ZanderBismarck wrote:
It's funny you should mention that Kristal, seeing as how Karmaprincess and Kriegan, are husband and wife and, were both watching the drama unfold there since they were in party with me in Qulun Dome. Need I post the screenshot where you deliberatly bound a Quadav by me while I was in the middle of a D/C while we were fighting a mob(ask her if you need proof we were talking on the phone when this was happening, how do you think I knew that you were binding a mob next to me? Not to mention having the screenshot sent to me via POL of it happening)? Oh wait did I mention that Karmaprincess and Kriegan were in the same room together watching?
Oh wait just in case you didn't get that through your head. We took screenshots of the events that took place, I never once attempted to MPK you as I explained to the GM never once did I cast any spell on a mob that would have caused it to be bound next to you or slept next to you. Never once did I deliberatly zone a mob on you. Even if I had tried that how could it have worked since you weren't fighting near the zone?
Also the GM stated that in his review of the situation there was no indication of an attempted MPK by me and that perhaps I should resume FARMING at a later time when Qulun Dome was vacant. Which also meant Kriegan and Evilpickles had to leave too. However it seems that you logged out before the GM got a chance to speak to you since I did report you for harassment.
Go figure 3 witnesses on my side and only you and your loud mouth backing up a ridiculous claim.
And yes I am well versed in the english language however I choose not to waste words when there is no need to which is why I rarely talk to people in game. But there are times when I break my own code of silence... usually to either set something straight or to deliberatly **** someone off. In your case both.
Please provide your "details" to me because I am personally very interested in what other stories you would like to make up.
>>>>email>>> james(period)
(photoshopped/edited photos do not count.)
You pulled a Sapphir Quadav from the 2nd room, then bound+slepted it a within agro range of my Ruby Quadav.
When you ran for the zone though, I dragged my Ruby out of agro range, and the Sapphire walked back. You also tried two times to pull+zone so the quadavs would walk back and link on mine. (Guess what... I moved before they could)
Karmaprincess and Kriegan were not in the zone when these things happened. Karmaprincess was in Yhoater Jungle, heading for the Temple, while Kriegan was looking at the Sapphire on the Beadeaux side probably..
Your story about me binding a quadav next to you is true.. but not to MPK. I saw you D/C, so I ran over to a more comfortable position. One of the enfeebling spells I cast on it was Bind, but that was due to a wrong macro decision. I never left melee range, which is a requirement for Bind-related MPK. Those screenshots will show that as well. Besides, what are the odds that a D/Cing RDM 75 can die in 5 seconds to an easy prey quadav with a high delay weapon?
That a GM could not determine an MPK attempt, didn't mean it did not occur. The quads never gotten the chance to attack me, so there would not be a log entree.
Your harrassment call was probably deleted as soon as they read it. You can't be harrassed if you aren't in the game...
Besides, you have a history of MPKing players, as mentioned earlier in this thread.