Wow, look what I found in my inbox from Unclear.
It might help you look less of an @#%^ if you would help with my posts instead of just assuming. I guess that is common with you NA players still..glad to see that hasn't changed..and that high level attitude you seem to have. Please do get the dark staff out of your ***..and don't respond no more unless you have something useful to say. Did i say I was waiting there? no...i've applied to LS'. Now if you have ever actually applied to a real job..then you'd know it's a little easier to get some responses that are worth wild when you put yourself out there everywhere.'s a shame to see people are still sarcastic @#%^s in the game. I'm sorry for you. You take it easy..please don't respond i'll only delete..and please don't respond to anything in these fourms anymore unless it's helpful, rather than making yourself seem like a prick..which you've seem to of done fairly well. Well I'll let you go..i'm sure you have a night filled with FFXI..dreaming about women..and cleaning up the basement of your grandmothers that you live in while you give your right hand a vigorious workout off of mithra's that you see in the game. / this is where you go "LoL" and tell me how you're..something completely hopes that i'll believe you but in reality we all know that it's true otherwises you wouldn't of taken the time..or you just are going to make "typo" jokes on me which do just as good. Take care.
Notice how no one else has replied to this thread. I guess maybe I was right? I am sure this is exactly the type of attitude that respected LS's on Bismarck are looking for. However if you do decide to apply for any of the HNMLS's on Bismarck that I watch, I'll make sure I point them to this thread. Toodles!