hmm i genuinely had no intention of posting here again, and forgive the delayed rebump as i was out of town for a bit. However i felt the need to clarify a few things.
#1: This- is Hip's goodbye thread, note that i went nowhere near it as i was happy enough to be rid of him, how fooled was I. /sigh
This- is just another post of his attempting to make money.
#2 I don't hate raffles, or object to them. I simply questioned why someone who is quitting would need to charge such a high price for tickets. That was answered now, either to mess with the economy (for whatever reason) or crafting.
And to the person who suggested PM's well, my purpose was to cause people to question handing over such large amounts of gil to this particular person, a PM would have been quite ineffective at that.
Also i did respond to a few people via PM so as not to start a flame war on this thread, and 1 of the 2 was not so private afterall as you can see from the joyous "haters" thread our beloved hiptaru posted just for me.
And to maintain my apparent negativity:
hiptaruu wrote:
i will be glad to say that you are the sole and only person who i am not going to miss while leaving this game, because you have basically been nothing but a prick to me the whole time..
this made me smile a little, because coincidentally the only "enemy" I have, that i know of, in the game is this very person.
oh the other reason it made me smile is because this is the last PM I got from good ol' hip.
Hiptaruu wrote:
Dispite all the crap we have said to each other..
I like you man.. I havent heard bad things about you either, i know you dont like how i amassed most of my gil, but put that stuff aside, and i am sure we have a few things in common..
Cheers bro.
And you guys wonder why i don't take what he says at face value
^^lol your best retort is making fun of my name? Come on now i expected better, even from you.
Edited, Wed Oct 12 20:06:16 2005 by TseTsuo