right, so its against the ToS to sell in-game properties. but that doesn't stop SE from allowing third party sales to go on where necessary.
its like the 'no outside food or drink' rule at your local cafe. they will throw you out for eating your Taco Bell at their table, but does that mean they arent going to sell you food themselves?
in-game properties, and the management of the in-game economy is solely SE's responsibility, and i
seriously doubt that the ToS applied to player accounts are also imposed as limits on the Japanese Program Director responsible for managing the impact of RMT on the game economies. it'd be like imposing the same random invisible spell duration on a GM. are you kidding? GM can probably send a /t to some guy named Takamura in Development and get a damn constant Invis ring in his delivery box.
when i was GM of my pen-and-paper Duneons and Dragons game when i was 12, i hedged the dice rolls now and again so that my players could have thrilling skin-of-their-teeth victories. but of course i never told them that they should have been wiped out and lost the characters we'd be developing for six months. that would be ZERO FUN.
what i'm suggesting is that it's possible that part of SE's effort to provide consistently entertaining gameplay is strategic release of gil to third parties. i mean they aren't stupid. creating gil for sale by third parties would not only represent profit to SE as an act by itself, but the people who purchase that gil are going to participate in the economy and continue to be profitable for SE thru their account and the accounts of those who that gil is eventually distributed to thru the AH.
and it follows that SE would not make such action public, as it would probably cause more trouble in the economy that it is worth, in other words it'd RUIN THE FUN if we knew. but as a secret, it would be mostly harmless.
i'm just tired of hearing that the billions of gil for sale each week was coming from VE and morion worm. are you kidding me? lol. you can camp sales histories with the calculator on your cellphone and see that it don't add up. i mean at peak cost, how many Hairpins were sold a week? 50? a hundred? and gil is going for how much a million now? 12 bucks or something? you telling me they gonna keep characters on for 24/7 just to make $120 a week? even at sweatshop labor costs you'd be better off making sneakers or something. the electric bill and network maintenance alone would make me look for a different line of work. and yeah, i know that VE is not the only thing the 'gilsellers' ever camped, but the idea only gets more ridiculous as you add more NM spawns to camp, more characters, and more upkeep. like argus... ok Charm sold for a LOT back then, but on a 24 hour timer? are you kidding? you can make more farming Tremor Ram with TH2 in 24 hours than you can taking a
chance at a big score every 24 hours.
and back to racism, well, i know the term 'gilseller' is not strictly racist, but it has come near enough for me. it's use, in my experience, is more often than not followed by racial epithets against Chinese players.
and now i have to quote you real fast:
also people call them "gilsellers" not because it is a racial slur.... but simply because... they sell gil,
yeah... and you have bought some from them i guess? i mean like you walked up to Iceangel on the street and was like "psst. yo, i know you sell gil. give me some i got 5 bucks american. that's like enough for a big mac, so cough it up" and the she did.
cause honestly that's the only way you'd ever be able to call someone a gilseller.
oh but wait. i keep forgetting that whenever someone cannot speak any english or japanese, and has little idea what is expected from them in an xp situation, they are also 'gilsellers'. just pick a page of the bad players thread at random and you'll see what i'm talking about. then go to an LS of your choice and bring this topic up, and see if you don't get at least ONE response from a NA player that includes some racist ******** like "i'll slap that damn chinese gilseller in his chinky eye" (more or less a direct quote from one of the LSs i quickly dropped.)
at any rate i'm done with this thread. ttyl.