Every time someone mentions gilsellers, people never fail to jump in and defend them... "Just because someone is there a lot doesn't mean they're a gilseller" they'll say, as if this is somehow relevant. "Just because Iceangel is never seen not camping the morion worm doesn't mean she's a gilseller!" {Um...} {What?}
People seem to think that because you can never prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone sells gil that this means... what? That there are no gilsellers? That very well known gilsellers are just enthusiastic players who barely speak english and have been inappropriately labeled?
Obviously, there ARE gilsellers. Quite a few of them, in fact. Otherwise, where would the millions upon millions of gil that IGN sells come from, hm? But what I'd really like to know is why so many people seem to rush to defend these game-ruining NM hoggers. Some may be sore over being called gilsellers themselves; being good at NM camping and camping an NM a lot will always make a noob think you're a gilseller, but there's gotta be more to it than that... Could it be that gilsellers have penetrated the alla forums? It often seems like the biggest advocates have very poor english skills after all ^.^ Just an idle wondering of mine, please add your thoughts and speculation. Leave all trolls and flames inside your pants, kids.