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Just because someone is there 24/7...Follow

#1 Sep 24 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
Every time someone mentions gilsellers, people never fail to jump in and defend them... "Just because someone is there a lot doesn't mean they're a gilseller" they'll say, as if this is somehow relevant. "Just because Iceangel is never seen not camping the morion worm doesn't mean she's a gilseller!" {Um...} {What?}

People seem to think that because you can never prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone sells gil that this means... what? That there are no gilsellers? That very well known gilsellers are just enthusiastic players who barely speak english and have been inappropriately labeled?

Obviously, there ARE gilsellers. Quite a few of them, in fact. Otherwise, where would the millions upon millions of gil that IGN sells come from, hm? But what I'd really like to know is why so many people seem to rush to defend these game-ruining NM hoggers. Some may be sore over being called gilsellers themselves; being good at NM camping and camping an NM a lot will always make a noob think you're a gilseller, but there's gotta be more to it than that... Could it be that gilsellers have penetrated the alla forums? It often seems like the biggest advocates have very poor english skills after all ^.^ Just an idle wondering of mine, please add your thoughts and speculation. Leave all trolls and flames inside your pants, kids.
#2 Sep 24 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
You like to make drama don't you?
#3 Sep 24 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
Actually for the most part a lot of the people labled gil sellers are appropriately labled... It is kind of easy to spot who is and who isn't, go look at Kuftal Tunnel near the amemet spawn, 9/10 of them are gil sellers, the rest are just people trying to exp lol.
#4 Sep 24 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
Letting the gilsellers get to you ruins the game. To me, its similar to comparing yourself to someone who commits credit fraud: They make a lot of money, and if they're good, they hardly ever get caught. But people can go in one of two directions, you can join them or you can ignore them and go on with life as if they don't exist. Everyone knows they should be punished, but these people are weasels who are experts at doing what they do. Trying to get them to come out of the shadows to face consequences or to play fair when the only thing they have ever known is how to play dirty is impossible because they simply don't care.

I learned a long time ago that competing with the gilsellers is pointless and can make your time spent playing a game that should be fun, a stressful living hell. Let them have their mob, find some other way to make gil, and enjoy the game.
#5 Sep 24 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Solichan wrote:
Obviously, there ARE gilsellers. Quite a few of them, in fact. Otherwise, where would the millions upon millions of gil that IGN sells come from, hm?

Acutally it's IGE ^o^v. Just had to point out the minor mistake. Everything else you wrote isn't worth reading. :P
#6 Sep 24 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Considering that my boyfriend and another guy with similar in-game name have been at some point labeled gilsellers by some people, I tend to take the "gilseller" accusation with a grain of salt. Or maybe exasperation.

I don't really pay attention anymore to the jerry's, redapple, etc's doings (why bother; even though I am 150% against the RMT and it annoys me that NM camping has become too competitive to be enjoyable (Besides, it's not like gilsellers are the only people in this game who are being greedy/rude/etc!), I'm not gonna start spending my time worrying about specifically who does what unless they are personally being an annoyance to me or someone I care about. It's already way too hard for me to keep interest in this game without that.), so I obviously don't know who this "iceangel" person is.
However, whether she is a gilseller or not, would it be so hard to believe that one of those people who have converted a mid to high level character into a mule would decide to use it to camp an NM, to make money for him/herself ?
#7 Sep 24 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
you cant prove it dont use it. obviously there are gil sellers and some of them are quite obvious. like the ones who NEVER log out and are online at all times of the day. but if some one camps everyday that doesnt mean they are a gil seller.
Lets say i start camping the Nm for valkire mask (yeah I spelt it wrong.) everyday because I can make some good gil for it. Does that make me a gil seller? Nope. as someone said earlier some accusations should be taken with a grain of salt.
#8 Sep 24 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Sure, there are gilsellers. Why let it get to you? Can you change it somehow? And, the better question, would doing so improve the game in the least for you?

My answer's gonna have to be no. If you get rid of the traditional NM-camping gilsellers, then you'll just have your average players that do it. Besides, I've met many actual players that are far worse than gilsellers. I used to camp Mee Deggi the Punisher in Castle Oztroja, back when the O. Kote was pushing 1 mil, and I can say that camping against the Jerrys was way better than camping against actual people. The Jerrys never ******* at me in tell for claiming, as a fair number of actual players did, or ask me asinine questions like the last ToD, and they /clapped when I got a claim or two. I remember a 2 day period when the Jerrys weren't in Oztroja, and regular players camped. There were 3 times the normal amount of people there, lots of cursing and yelling, and they were training each other.

Yeah, I can see your frustration. But in the end, it really does come down to average players. I don't want to pull out that old chestnut about how there wouldn't be gilsellers if regular people didn't buy it, but well, there you go.

Edited, Sat Sep 24 22:04:10 2005 by CannedWeasel
#9 Sep 24 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Wow yet another blame someone else for our economy type thread

Ok check this out, it's very simple. There are RMTs on every server of every game in the entire universe. That’s right if Aliens have MMO's there are RMTs there as well.

How do we stop this, you may ask? That too is very simple but since nuking china is against too many laws we'll have to do things the hard way. I can tell you one thing that will not stop them another pointless so and so is an RMT whine, whine, cry, cry post on a forum that is not even sponsored by the company who makes the game this is a FAN website made by and for fans. So please give it a rest. The majority of us can tell who the RMTs are who isn't.

One way to stop RMTs is to call/write/picket/protest SE NA HQ (for the rest of you that is SquarEnix North American Headquarters). Another way and this really should be the easiest and most obvious way to thwart the evil of the RMT Demons is to STOP BUYING their grossly inflated merchandise. I mean c'mon when something jumps in price (take the O-Kote) over 1 million gil in less than a day... Who the hell do you think is selling them? The RMTs, and the saddest part is, who do you think is still buying them? US!! The hell is the matter with us? Why do we do this to ourselves? If we don't buy they get no big time easy gil.

I mean you want someone to blame for the economy? Then get up out of that computer chair go straight to the bathroom (second door on the left) and look in the mirror. If you have ever gone to the AH looked up a price and went "WTF!?!?! It's jumped in price 300%!!!" and then rather than not buy it, went out and farmed until you could afford the new grossly inflated price, then you and all the people like you are responsible for our economy. You do realize if you don't buy it, it goes back to them and they then have to sell it at a lower price, or at least re-think their price. I mean if you walked into the only store in town to buy a $15.00 CD and when you got there it was $300.00 would you still buy it? Hell no you'd spit in the face of the owner and walk out, leaving him to decide if he wants to make exuberant profit or just profit.

I am just so sick of people whining about this it's actually quite funny now. If you want to flex your whine muscle why not be productive and bombard SE with a few letters describing the situation and you daily encounters with RMTs you could even make a journal and give some snappy snazzy little name like "Adventures in Gil Selling" Or "My friend Jerry" whatever you decide to do please stop posting here and crying about these people. I can only speak for myself, and I say "I don't give a rats ***"
#10 Sep 25 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Default
Good ideas, but it's been tried many times. ; ; SE has said, they can't do anything to the gilsellers unless they can prove they're selling gil. And there's no way to find that out unless the gilbuyers confess and say who they bought it from. But we all know the odds in gilbuyers confessing is worse odds then China sinking into the ocean. Plus just fyi, some gilsellers aren't chinese, some are arabic as well, and some speak decent english. Some actually are pretty nice, when they're not mpk'ing you or harassing you. If they outclaim me, I get angry but I figure, I had just a good a chance to claim it, he did beat me. Though it does suck at Mee Deggi camp when it's 7 gilsellers vs. me. ><

Here's a fun thing I like to do while seeking or camping or something, overall bored. Just tell a random gilseller with "I love you :)" You get great and humorous results alot of the time. :D

Huofeng asked me to "come china marry me"
And Godsmile asked me to join her in a "gil party^^" I had work, or I woulda went and quartermastered her *** lol.
#11 Sep 25 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
well actually SE can figure out who the gilsellers are it wouldnt be too hard. all they have to do is go to one of the gil selling websites buy 100k gil for $5 and whoever delivers that is a gilseller. on top of that ive heard of SE keeping track of money and item transfer so from that they could find the complete list of gilsellers from that company on that server. i dont know if anything im typing makes sense im tired and right now it makes sense to me. but either way only reasons why gilseller are still around is they cut a deal with SE and pay SE royalties or square doesnt want to cough up $5 to figure out who they are.
#12 Sep 25 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
well actually SE can figure out who the gilsellers are it wouldnt be too hard. all they have to do is go to one of the gil selling websites buy 100k gil for $5 and whoever delivers that is a gilseller

This actually isnt true. I know people who bought gil and being the curiours person I am I asked how the gil actually gets transferd to their char. well it goes like this: the person from IGE..etc. comes and sends it to you from a lvl 1 no subjob character. thats it i guess.
#13 Sep 25 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
only reasons why gilseller are still around is they cut a deal with SE and pay SE royalties or square doesnt want to cough up $5 to figure out who they are.

Did you actually think about this before saying it? They need PROOF before then can ban anyone and what's to stop them from getting a new account to sell gil on? There's no way you'll stop them. SE cannot ban the accounts that farm the gil.
#14 Sep 25 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
Gotta understand they can't go by word of mouth. ;; Otherwise if Person A doesn't like person B, he could just say, Person B is a gilseller and get them banned.
#15 Sep 25 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
229 posts
Well looks like all thats left is Nuking China, and while i realize that not all gilsellers are Chinese (some are even american) I think it's a good start. Time to contact congress...

I am of course just kidding. There really is no simple solution to getting rid of RMTs as I said they are in every server of every game in the entire universe.

Another way to stop people from selling is to stop people from buying it. Half the people I have known that have bought gil in FFXI all bought it because they were denied too many PT's because they could not afford said millions of gil for said item.

So if you want to help stop things next time you invite a player and when he/she gets there and he/she is not in the "Greatest" possible gear for his/her lvl that he/she can possibly be. Don't just kick him/her out of the PT ask him/her why he/she is in sub par gear and if he/she says he/she can't affored it don't kick him/her but if he/she is just too damn lazy to get it then kick him/her.

Another reason people seem to buy gil is because lets face it. Not all of us have the amount of time neccisary to farm the gil required for some of these things.

So here are two actual solutions that involve the players of Bismarck and FFXI in general to stop being lazy.

Suggestion #1 Bombard SE with petitions and letters to raise the amount of gil dropped by mobs so farming takes less time.

Suggestion #2 Bombard SE with petitions and letters asking them to make every NM or major important drop Rare/Ex

Effective solutions for a world plagued by the unholy legions of the RMT horde.

Remember kids right or wrong that's just my opinion.

EDIT: See 90% of all my other posts.


Edited, Sun Sep 25 18:51:36 2005 by XxMortimerxX
#16 Sep 25 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
only reasons why gilseller are still around is they cut a deal with SE and pay SE royalties or square doesnt want to cough up $5 to figure out who they are.

Did you actually think about this before saying it? They need PROOF before then can ban anyone and what's to stop them from getting a new account to sell gil on? There's no way you'll stop them. SE cannot ban the accounts that farm the gil.

belgerath did you actually read what i wrote? if square themselves pay $5 to buy gil then whoever gives the a gil is a gilseller. try reading the whole thing before you comment not just a quote someone put on their post.

ok now that i said that... i wasnt aware that they just made lvl 1 characters and used them to transfer the gil ive never bought any. but couldnt they check credit card records and find out other characters on the credit cards owned by the same person or company and ban all them?

*this is just an idea i have no clue how the gil selling companies work nor do i know how or if SE keeps records on gil and item transactions*

Edited, Sun Sep 25 19:25:05 2005 by SpentaX
#17 Sep 25 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
lol ummm...privacy [Do You Need It?] SE can't just look at people credt card transactions without permission.
#18 Sep 25 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
If square or sony could do anything about gil sellere, then they would have been gone when Everquest was on its first expansion. The only way that they can do anything about it is what we've already seen. That I mean limiting the drops like valkrum, stroper, or lizzy. When they did that we just saw them move to camp other items.

After they did that, Ochiudo's went up to 2.8m at one time, fuma kyhan (however you spell it) got up to 1.1m, jujitsu is up to 900k and others have seen the price increase...

I try to disrupt their claims when I see them farming, but it just interferes with my own farming... so I have to say is they're here, they're going to stay.

Another thing thats on my mind is that there COULD be a MINOR plus for gil sellers *dodges arrows, rocks, vegetables, whatever else you have that you want to hurt me with* The only + that I see is that there is a constant supply of items on AH. I've also noticed they try to keep a constant price of an item until some other player raises it up.
I do know that they initally raise up whatever item they are camping, but once it gets up to that price it likes to stay there until another player puts the item at 100K+ the normal price, then the price continues to rise.

Oh well, this is my opinion, and i know some of you probably wont agree, but... um... yeah...
#19 Sep 25 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
306 posts
belgerath did you actually read what i wrote? if square themselves pay $5 to buy gil then whoever gives the a gil is a gilseller. try reading the whole thing before you comment not just a quote someone put on their post.

READ what I said. What is to stop them from using a seperate account to sell all the gil? This leaves their main account that they farm gil with safe. IQ +100 {You can have this}
#20 Sep 25 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
well SE can and does ban credit cards from being used with them. i know its happened to one of my friends. so unless they have a seperate credit card for each character once a credit card is banned all characters on it are gone. so unless they have alot of credit cards or want to keep getting new ones under different names if SE decided to take action it would be difficult for them to keep up. but there is always that prepaid card ive heard about not sure how that works. it would probably make SE job alot more difficult in tracking gil sellers. i think youre taking away alot of credit from SE ability to keep track of what happens in their game. im sure if they wanted to they could create some program that tracks all gil and item transactions and im sure they already have one. its their servers and im sure they want to protect their investment from hackers stealing peoples items and gil as well as other stuff. now regardless of whether or not the farmers are the ones exchanging the gil the fact remains they are still gilsellers. they belong to a company that buys and sells gil which is against the ToS.
#21 Sep 25 2005 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
229 posts
Actually there is nothing against purchasing Gil in the ToS and the only reason it is even illeagal to sale it is because it is SE's Exclusive Intelectual Property.

Sell their Exclusive Intelectual Property is against the ToS buying their Exclusive Intelectual Property however is not
#22 Sep 25 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
any argument i have made on this thread is totally irrelevant as i have no clue what SE has put into their programming or what measures they take to catch people that disobey the ToS. it was all just an idea that i thought up. be right or wrong i dont know dont care but anyone that agrees or disagrees is not right either unless they work for SE themselves.

Edited, Mon Sep 26 01:09:11 2005 by SpentaX
#23 Sep 26 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
Chinese gilsellers will have a hard time operating from China in the near future, due to the gameplay restrictors all MMOs must have there. (ie, after 3 hours consecutive play, FF XI will force a disconnect for another 3 hours)

#24 Sep 26 2005 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
Two perspectives. They are at belgarath and spentax.

SE cannot look at our credit card transactions from OTHER companies. There are sevral antitrust laws in place to prevent companies from viewing each others financial records. It would also bring lawsuites against BOTH companies. I think neither SE nor IGE (or whatever comopany is in question) want to go out of business for swapping people personal information.

Second thing is for belgarath. Its another look at the HIgh lvl gilfarmer vs. the lvl 1 delivery person. (The second part of this is in theory. I am not actually privy to Se practaces on logging transactions. tis merely for the purpose debate). IF se is loging transactions then they shouldnt have to big of a problem figuring out WHO (as in which character) sent said lvl 1 mule its money. If it was an AH sale then perhaps who sent that mule the item that was sold. See if the level 1 character isnt farming all those items and money itself, then they have to come from somewhere. Is sort of like virtual money laundering. This however is happening on a server. I am of the opinion that SE could easily find out who was sending the gil. ITs like following a river of dirty lewt (I Am personally of the opinion, that SE already knows who is buying and slling gil, I thinki they just dont want to do anything about it).

Those ar emy thoughts on the debate you two were having.

#25 Sep 26 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
This actually isnt true. I know people who bought gil and being the curiours person I am I asked how the gil actually gets transferd to their char. well it goes like this: the person from IGE..etc. comes and sends it to you from a lvl 1 no subjob character. thats it i guess.

And you actually think SE wouldn't have any kind of log of which account owned a character with that name ?

Well, now that I think about it, even though it would be logical, SE appears to be anything but logical, so who knows.
#26 Sep 26 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Did you actually think about this before saying it? They need PROOF before then can ban anyone and what's to stop them from getting a new account to sell gil on? There's no way you'll stop them. SE cannot ban the accounts that farm the gil.

they need proof, but not proof as in "I have to be able to defend my decision before a jury"... just "I have to feel confident that I took the right decision" type of proof.

I'm pretty sure there are clauses in the terms of service saying that they have the right to revoke any account for whatever reason they decide is fair. They just don't want to start banning everyone on a mere complaint by some no-name.

I do agree that there are strong chances that the gil is being transfered to a new account, which is probably being deleted after. However, not only banning that account might delete a bunch of gil from the gilseller's banks, I would think that (once again, would make sense, but I'm not convinced they have that) could track who sent the gil to the "tranfer" account.

A couple days ago, for fun, I went on cannotlinkto and checked EverquestII currency. Most of us know of station exchange, but you might not know that, a little before station exchange was implemented, they went down on the plat sellers - hard. They claimed that they had found most RMtraders with a 95% accuracy. They had banned a couple people too many, but most banned accounts didn't use the contact they had receive in email to contest the decision.
Well, several months later, I see that there are many server on which IGE has _no_ currency for sale. none. zip. nada.
Seeing as there is still a market on many other servers, I doubt that everyone who's interested in real money trade moved on to the exchange server. Their plat seller finder might not be perfect (or they might have slacked off since they making their point about station exchange being "for the good of the community" or whatever ********** but it sure seems to be able to clean up the servers at least a good bit.

Now, in my mind, it leaves these possibilities:
1- SE doesn't give a crap.
2- FFXI is coded in such a retarded way that there's nothing to be done
3- a little bit of both.

guess where my vote goes ?
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