now i think that as long as youre not doing anything illegal or putting yourself or others at harm you should be able to do what makes you happy.
I will give you a scenario to think about. 2 Children, Johnny and Billy.
Johnny plays video games, lots of them and for hours a day. He gets very little exercise doesn't eat healthy and is basicaly a wreck.
Billy on the other hand plays video games occasionally plays sports, eats relatively healthy.
Fast forward 40 years. Johnny and Billy Both have successful lives, Johnny still plays video games and is relatively inactive, Billy works out occasionally and both appear relatively healthy.
Johnny has a heart attack casued by high choleterol and his generally lethargic lifestyle.
Billy has a heart attack due to some unknown genetic illness out of his control.
Both need a new heart or will die within 90 days.
There is 1 heart available, who gets it?
Now obviously we have all seen this question, or some form of it before. It is obviously not an easy situation to deal with. BUT, Johnny's was preventable. He could have changed his ways to better himself and maybe prevented this from ever happening.
Maybe he lacked the will power, or maybe the parents didnt care.
I think China is trying to turn the Johnny's into Billy's or at least hoping to lower the number at least a little.
Now you may think that this is a one off example, etc, not realistic and so forth. And for that I say:
Heart failure statistics:
From the US 2000 population data it is estimated that heart failure currently affects 4.7 million adult Americans.
Data from NHLI studies2 project that between 350,000 and 450,000 new cases of heart failure are diagnosed each year.
About 75% of heart failure cases are preceded by hypertension3.
Heart failure prevalence increases with age; 7% of people age 65-74 years and 10% of people age >75 years are affected by heart failure4.
Heart failure is associated with a poor prognosis; 1 in 5 people with heart failure will die within one year of diagnosis3.
The number of deaths occurring directly from heart failure was 55,704 in 2000; this is a 148% increase from 19795.
The 2000 overall age-adjusted death rate for heart failure was 20.2 (deaths per 100,000 population). Death rates were 21.0 for white males, 23.2 for black males, 19.4 for white females and 21.3 for black females5.
In addition, another 206,000 deaths listed heart failure as a secondary cause in 20003.
1. National Institutes of Health. National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Congestive Heart Failure in the United States: a new epidemic. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Data Fact Sheet. September 1996.
2. The Framingham Heart Study and the Cardiovascular Health Study.
3. American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2003 Update. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association: 2002.
4. National Center for Health Statistics. Plan and operation of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1998-94. Vital Health Stat 1994;1:1-407.
5. National Center for Health Statistics. Deaths: Final Data for 2000. Nat. Vital Stat. Report 2002;50:1-120.
From the US 2000 population data it is estimated that heart failure currently affects 4.7 million adult Americans.
Data from NHLI studies2 project that between 350,000 and 450,000 new cases of heart failure are diagnosed each year.
About 75% of heart failure cases are preceded by hypertension3.
Heart failure prevalence increases with age; 7% of people age 65-74 years and 10% of people age >75 years are affected by heart failure4.
Heart failure is associated with a poor prognosis; 1 in 5 people with heart failure will die within one year of diagnosis3.
The number of deaths occurring directly from heart failure was 55,704 in 2000; this is a 148% increase from 19795.
The 2000 overall age-adjusted death rate for heart failure was 20.2 (deaths per 100,000 population). Death rates were 21.0 for white males, 23.2 for black males, 19.4 for white females and 21.3 for black females5.
In addition, another 206,000 deaths listed heart failure as a secondary cause in 20003.
1. National Institutes of Health. National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Congestive Heart Failure in the United States: a new epidemic. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Data Fact Sheet. September 1996.
2. The Framingham Heart Study and the Cardiovascular Health Study.
3. American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics – 2003 Update. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association: 2002.
4. National Center for Health Statistics. Plan and operation of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1998-94. Vital Health Stat 1994;1:1-407.
5. National Center for Health Statistics. Deaths: Final Data for 2000. Nat. Vital Stat. Report 2002;50:1-120.
www.americanheart.org wrote:
There were 2,057 heart transplants performed in the United States in 2003 and 2,154 in 2002.
Each year thousands more Americans would benefit from a heart transplant if more donated hearts were available.
Each year thousands more Americans would benefit from a heart transplant if more donated hearts were available.
Now ... How many subscribers to MMO's are there worldwide?
Lets say 10,000,000 approx (not just FFXI)
Now lets say only 10% are "hardcore" and fit the situation i described above.
so thats 1,000,000 people that increase their risk factors for developing heart disease, amoungst other things.
Each year thousands more Americans would benefit from a heart transplant if more donated hearts were available.
to quote you again:
now i think that as long as youre not doing anything illegal or putting yourself or others at harm you should be able to do what makes you happy.
So is it unconstitutional if it is indirectly saving thousands of lives? what if it saved just 1 life?
Edited, Fri Sep 23 13:29:10 2005 by TseTsuo