Jees i dont want to, but know you forced Gob's hand. And you had better cut me a deal on Wints I.Q. Points for this.
This is @ Spentax.
Firsty Offy, when you quoted my post, you went back and offered the EXACT same point that I offered you about limiting TV as well. And Secondly the government can and does create laws about video games. Are so daft as to think that they couldnt, or that it would be illegal for them to do so about this? All it takes is one or two angry old republicsans and a fat case of ignorance and some money. This is how laws are made. This is how regulations are made. Here is an example of a videogame law put into effect in our country just recently.
(And this is one of MANY new laws just on the topic of adult content)
This deals with just violent video games. This law was inspired by religious right who were offended at game content. Are you so daft that you cant see that if the same types of people decide your playing games too long and you are fat becasue of it, that they wont go after such a system here? Come on man. In america we sued Mc Donalds because we are all lazy fat asses.
We have a proud "tardition" in America of blaming everyone but ourselves as the source of our problems. We get fat because we dont excercise...its the place that sells the food's fault. They should have made 0 fat burgers that I can eat 10 and sit on my *** all day and not gain any weight. Kids shoot other kids..its music!...its movies! its video games....Never at one point in time during any of these shootings have I seen the parents of said children killers critisized once. We now have new laws about children and firearms in schools.
You see, all it really takes is for ine person to **** up publicly on any given issue, then it will get on TV. And we are PWNd by the networks so its a fact if its on TV. Then it goes straight from the TV into congress. IN a society were people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, do you really think it so impossible that the government would attemp to take care of its people in such ways as to limit the ways that is people can place blame on its tax payng companies and institutions? All this video game limitation does is remove liability. Look at it closeley. Now you have to actively seek to circumvent the securty. If a lawsuit occurs with it in plaxce then its no longer the faultof the gaming company. Hmmm sounds like a good fit for us, seeing as how we cannot blame ourselves for anything.
No dont get me wrong I love America. I wouldnt want to live anywhere else. But sadly we have a media addiction and a habitual regulation one as well, as opposed to accepting responsibility and attempting reform.
We are also a lawsuit driven country. You can also rest assured that if someones kid does get fat because of MMORPG or kill himself because TSE and Hippy were wearing dresses around Jeuno, and a Lawsuit does for some reason occur, then new laws will be made and regulations thought up. If it ever becomes possible for a videogame company to be taken to court for NOT having these types of control in their games, then this will be a reality. Not because of the gevernment trying to quash your freedoms and rights. But rather because your friends and neighbors millitant whitetrash GlobalthermalnuclearCHRISTIAN!! mom decides she wanted to sue for the saftey of your godless children, and clean up the brainwashing, subliminal, kill your parents messages inherent in the evil video game megacorps who are CEO'd by the morningstar Lucifer himself.
And you can plea but its a violation of the Constitution all you want. But ask your self this...How many other US laws and regualtions violate, or grey market violate a supposed constitutional right? Please dont continue down this road of arguing this pointless topic. I want to read other things than you making the same ignorant and incorrect point over and over again.I got no problems with you bub. I have heard your opinion (many times over at this point), so unless you would like to do some research and find some kind of supporting material then I dont want to argue this with you any longer. Its a waste of the time I have left to breathe.
Regulations on ALL aspects of society that are important to the persons in that society WILL ALWAYS be regualted by the government. This is how an institution of power keeps that power. So why this issue is moot here at this point in time. If it goes public and TV anetworks decide that it is an "issue" then it will be regulated. This is a fact sir.
The song remains the same.
Thats is all.