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(/farewell) China. :DFollow

#1 Sep 20 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
97 posts
I'd be really pissed if this program made it's way over to the US. >:/

For those too lazy to read: China's developed a system that gimps your characters if you stay logged on for more than three hours, and resets after five hours of being logged off. This is to "Keep young people healthy". ^^
#2 Sep 21 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
Now if it could be applyed only to Gilsellers.................
#3 Sep 21 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
1,406 posts
Bah, FFXI isn't on the list.
#4 Sep 21 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
I;m pretty sure the U.S is safe from it since it appears to be unconstitutional.
#5 Sep 21 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
what is unconstitutional about it? If the game developer puts in code to limit a characters strength after a sustained period of playing theres nothing anyone can do about it, it's their game.

It is certainly lame but far, far farrrr from unconstitutional.

And as many people mentioned most players have alternate characters or play multiple games or even use multiple PC's/consoles so this is goign to have very little bearing.

OK my toon is weak from playing? ok i'll craft/synth for a bit, or play my alt, or w/e.

It will be amusing to see what happens when this is implemented.
#6 Sep 21 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
The Chinese Government unveiled a new system Tuesday to prevent individuals from playing online games for more than three consecutive hours, which must be installed for every online game in the country

well as you can see its not the gaming company that did this but the government. if the US government decided to implement something similar it would be limitizing our freedom of choice and therefore would be unconstitutional. but alot of laws are also ignoring our rights and freedoms and it does **** me off as i did serve in the US military to protect those freedoms. so if i was saw something like that here in the US yeah id be pretty damn pissed about it.
#7 Sep 21 2005 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
The government is pushing it but the game companies are the ones implementing it within the code of their games.

They are free to refuse, the result would be those games would be banned in China.

My point was not that it is right/wrong good/bad just that it is not "unconstitutional" I don't see anywhere in that document that we are "Free to play games for more than 5 hours".
#8 Sep 21 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
The Chinese Government unveiled a new system Tuesday to prevent individuals from playing online games for more than three consecutive hours, which must be installed for every online game in the country

ok read this quote again. its the government not video game companies. the game companies have no say in this if they want to sell their games in china. its a reqirement not an option. now if the government stepped in and started dictating how we live our personal lives at home and what we do on our leisure time YES that is unconstitutional. now as china is a communist country that perfectly legal there for the government to step in and say hey you can play this game but only when we tell you that you can. here in the US its freedom of choice you have the freedom to choose to play video games 24 hours a day and that freedom is in the constitution. when the government steps in and says you can only play video games for 3 hours that is taking that freedom away which IS unconstitutional.

ok when i say that freedom is in the constitution i mean freedom of choice. no where in the constitution does it state:
you have the freedom to choose to play video games 24 hours a day

Edited, Wed Sep 21 11:30:19 2005 by SpentaX
#9 Sep 21 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Can pornography be shown on network stations?
Can a 10 year old drive around in a car?
Can i buy beer when i am 16?
Can i walk into a store and buy a handgun that same day?

There are restrictions everywhere, are you saying these are all unconstitutional? these are rules set in place to preserve some order. This would just be another one.

the game companies have no say in this if they want to sell their games

To emphasize if they want to sell their games This is the government making a rule, nobody is forced to abide by it they may choose not to sell their game in that country. Will greed outweigh morals, probably, but it doesn't HAVE to.

Also, to quote the article:
The new system cuts the ability level of a player's online game character by half after he or she has played for more than three consecutive hours

WoW already has a similar practice, though not as extreme, where after long sessions of XPing you actually get less XP per kill than if you had not played for a while.

Nowhere does it say if you play for more than 3 hours you go to jail or have your fingers chopped off. It's just a method to curb some of the obsesive playing styles that so many of us are guilty of.

Do I agree with it, no. not at all. But I also don't think there should be any censorship in the media at all, that if i am old enough to vote and go to war i should be able to buy beer.

The fact is though restrictions like this but in different forms exist all over many countries, the US included and they aren't "unconstitutional"

Edited, Wed Sep 21 12:48:13 2005 by TseTsuo
#10 Sep 21 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
Can pornography be shown on network stations?
Can a 10 year old drive around in a car?
Can i buy beer when i am 16?
Can i walk into a store and buy a handgun that same day?

can you do any of these things? yes any of them. you will have to live with the consequences if you get caught. and last i knew a video game was never illegal never killed anyone or put yours or others lives in danger. you are speaking of a whole different thing. yeah so something need to be put into place to protect the standards of everyday living. these things you are putting down are dangerous and immoral playing a video game is not. what you are trying to say is that it is right and perfectly legal for the government to step in and tell you that you cant have fun. you can go to a sporting event but can only stay for half of it. you can watch a movie but you can only watch 15 minutes of it. you can hang out with your friends for a maximum of 30 minutes. you can play video games but only for 3 hours. these kind of rulings are not only illegal but unconstitutional trust me. if this were ever passed in the US judges all over the country would be over ruling passing it off as unconstitutional.
#11 Sep 21 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
Can pornography be shown on network stations? »» Yes It can.

Can a 10 year old drive around in a car?
Can i buy beer when i am 16?
Can i walk into a store and buy a handgun that same day? »» under the "adult" age the child has almost no right exept the right of living and protection. but most of the time the child is under an adult tutor's supervision.

the constitution is for adults ; ;

#12 Sep 21 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
well wouldn't this law be protecting people from obesity and other ailments suffered by those that sit at PC's all day?

But the fact is all of those laws, probably with the exception of the **** one were not always in effect, they were put in place when a problem developed.

In this case it is that the youth of today are spending far too much time in front of a TV and not enough time getting proper exercise, etc.

China is trying to curb their nation away from a future of couch potatoes.

And as crappy as the law is i personally don't see anything but good intentions being the driving force.

I mean there is really nothing to be gained by china in making this law, they are trying to better their people, albeit by force.

Can pornography be shown on network stations? »» Yes It can.

Please tell me which station, NETWORK STATION, airs it. By network i mean ABC,NBC, CBS etc not HBO or Skinamax or Spice.

Look at the TV shows that air in other countries at night, esp in europe and japan to see what i am referrign to. You could basically have complete nudity in commercials for things like Orange Juice.

Edited, Wed Sep 21 18:15:52 2005 by TseTsuo
#13 Sep 21 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
1,391 posts
Please tell me which station, NETWORK STATION, airs it. By network i mean ABC,NBC, CBS etc not HBO or Skinamax or Spice.

Actually major networks can and do show nudity (though it is a rare occasion). There is nothing in the law prohibiting it seeing as that would be a violation of freedom of press. Sometimes ABC and such airs movies such as "Saving Private Ryan" or one of the various version of Ann Frank's Diary uncensored, with nudity and cursing and all. Just look for a show that has a little warning saying something along the lines of "This show contains brief nudity or violent images. Parental supervision is advised."

It is the fact that America is so damned uptight about sex and such that our views are just distorted compared to the rest of the world. In short, it isn't that we can't, it is that we don't because we are a nation founded by somewhat fascist christian beliefs.

EDIT: o.O;; grammatical errors...

Edited, Wed Sep 21 21:00:23 2005 by Weakness

Edited, Wed Sep 21 21:01:52 2005 by Weakness

Edited, Sun Sep 25 22:07:20 2005 by Weakness
#14 Sep 22 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
727 posts
It actually would be unconstitutional if the GOVERNMENT implemented it.

Amedment IV:
"The right of the people to be secure in thier persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probablr cause, supported by oath or affiliation, and particually describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be siezed."(talk about a run on sentence)

Now depending on how you interpet this the monitoring of computer gaming can be unconstitutional. To time you on the video game they would have to "search" your computer. Searching is unconstitutional unless you have a warrent with a detailed description. I highly doubt that you can get a warrent for "searching" a computer.

Please note: To make something unconstitutional you have to argue that it goes aginst an ammendment or the constitution itself. You have to convince the judge and the jury to look at it from your point of view. This is what I have learned in College so far. This is also why lawyers make the kind of money that they do.
#15 Sep 22 2005 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
124 posts

Edited, Thu Sep 22 22:50:33 2005 by SpentaX
#16 Sep 22 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
Okay I know this has nothing to do with the topic... but why did my post get rated down?

Was it the fascist christian statement or what? =/ I just want to know why I got rated down from whomever did it, no hard feelings or what not... just curious...

Edited, Sun Sep 25 22:13:01 2005 by Weakness
#17 Sep 22 2005 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
OK... please look more carefully at what is actually being imlpemented.

The governemnt is NOT placing a program on your PC that monitors how long you play.

The government is mandating that Game Developers add functionality to their online games that lower your stats based on how long you play. Consider it to be a simulated fatigue system not Big Brother monitoring all your game play habits.

If the former was the case then i would completely agree, but it is not, the latter is what is being implemented.

Two different things.

There is no violation of rights in terms of unlawful searches because nothing is being "reported". A timer is starting, thats it.

Now IF your gameplay usage was being reported back to a government agnecy that flipped a switch when they saw you were playing too long that would also be the case.

Sorry had to post one more time so my troll could get his jollies for today.

Edited, Thu Sep 22 08:48:14 2005 by TseTsuo
#18 Sep 22 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
Fixed your rating Weakness.

Also, in reply, yes the networks can occasionally show brief nudity, Tse was talking about pornography. Slight difference but this is all moot anyway.

I don't see this ever being implemented in America. Congress and lawmakers are more concerned about games such as Grand Theft Auto, I doubt any of them have even heard of FFXI. Possibly WoW, but it seems that FFXI gets left out of a lot of news articles that are written specifically about MMORPGs.

It also seems that, while there have been occassional reports of Americans doing something tragic (killing, suicide, etc) due to a MMO, the high profile cases are from Asian locales. At least the last few I remember were.

I don't know how people do it, after 4-5 hours I have to get away, I can't sit and play for that long without taking a break to go get some fresh air and do something productive for a while, but maybe I'm just a freak.
#19 Sep 22 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
Two things.

Firstly, what is considered pornographic is stirctly in the eye of the beholder. Its a matter of taste and choice. As to wether or not the NETWORKS air it. It matters little. Pron is everywhere and if peopele want it they will get it.

Secondly, I agree with Tse(never thought id be saying that). IT is fully within the realm of the government to regulate health policy. Even our government does so vigorously. Infact as a governing body you are expected to regulate heath issues. Its part of the requirements of a functioning government. And it could very likely happen here. The gaming companies wil be all for it, they get the same amount of money per user and each user taxes their technology resources less. I wouldnt be surprised if SE asked to participate. With a massive game the amount of money saved by limiting users exposure to the network would be signifigant. I work on networks for a living, and the less users you have using the resources the longer they will last. Gaming companies have no reason not to get excited about this. It will increase profits. If it goes well it can and (in my opinion) will likely get instituted here. The US government has a longstanding addiction to blaming art and media for the problems of its citizens as opposed to taking responsibility themselves. So they will legislate and legislate and then do it some more instead of correcting. But this bothers me little in this particular case. This is a government sponsered firm making this GAPP program. HOw much time and money is ANY government prepared to invest in keeping the program ahead iof the curve. By that I mean when you use technology to try and preventpeople from doing something they have this fantastic ability to pool their resource and find ways to circumvent that security. There is a way to get to anything that has been locked, hidden, or denied access to by technology. This is fact. If people have the time to design cheating tolls for video games what make you think they cant defeat a standardized lvl prevention system? I mean ****, its standardized and one company wrote it. Gaming companies have enough issues just trying tokeep people from cheating in these style games. It will end up being one of those acceptable bad things (like windowers for FFXI). Besides if they got real aggro about it then television stations would come into play as far as the timers went. And they own the US government so I dont think we will see to strong of an attack here in the US.

That is all.

#20 Sep 22 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
282 posts
Compulsory deployment of the new system is expected to begin for all massive multiplayer online role-playing games and casual games in China in late 2005 or early 2006.

So the same with FPS and strategy games too?
#21 Sep 22 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
I agree with Tse(never thought id be saying that)


It would suck to have RTS' games fall under the same umbrella, though logically they may.

I used to play Total Annihilation back in the day and a 4 hour long match was not out of the question. Though i'm not sure how they would handle gimping in that case. In MMO's they are lowering your stats, but in an RTS if they lowered the stats of both players then what would it matter?

Maybe they will make your units randomly explode more and more frequently or for FPS' have your gun break all the time so your only choice is to run around and get shot.

In reality it is all moot anyway as we all know someone out there will come out with a patch that either resets your timer or disables it completely. Probably within days if not hours.
#22 Sep 22 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
IT is fully within the realm of the government to regulate health policy. Even our government does so vigorously. Infact as a governing body you are expected to regulate heath issues. Its part of the requirements of a functioning government. And it could very likely happen here. The gaming companies wil be all for it, they get the same amount of money per user and each user taxes their technology resources less. I wouldnt be surprised if SE asked to participate

first the health regulations are basically for the food industry grocery store restaurants and such to prevent people from getting sick and avoid lawsuits. now if they are gonna say you can only play a game for so many hours because its not healthy then they would have to limit other things like watching tv its just as unhealthy and getting on computers and such. basically anything you do is unhealthy. but then of course comes the freedome of choice. you choose to play these video games you choose to watch tv. either way you look at it if the government stepped in and said you can only play for three hours a day that would be taking away your ability to choose to play the game as long as you want

i also highly doubt any gaming company would be for this either especially not SE. sure so limiting players playing time will net them more profits but at the same time who would want to pay $12 to play a game for three hours a day considering how long it takes to advance especially in FFXI. their customers would be dropping the game fast and soon square will lose more money than they make. limitizing players abilities to play games would turn lots of people off of video games to do other things. good right? now everyone is outside getting excersize getting healthy. now the video game market crashes and a multi-billion dollar industry is lost. video games play a huge role in the US economy as well as many other countries. thats why not only would the US government not be up for this kinda change neither would the video game companies.

Edited, Thu Sep 22 23:25:52 2005 by SpentaX
#23 Sep 23 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Jees i dont want to, but know you forced Gob's hand. And you had better cut me a deal on Wints I.Q. Points for this.

This is @ Spentax.

Firsty Offy, when you quoted my post, you went back and offered the EXACT same point that I offered you about limiting TV as well. And Secondly the government can and does create laws about video games. Are so daft as to think that they couldnt, or that it would be illegal for them to do so about this? All it takes is one or two angry old republicsans and a fat case of ignorance and some money. This is how laws are made. This is how regulations are made. Here is an example of a videogame law put into effect in our country just recently.

(And this is one of MANY new laws just on the topic of adult content)
This deals with just violent video games. This law was inspired by religious right who were offended at game content. Are you so daft that you cant see that if the same types of people decide your playing games too long and you are fat becasue of it, that they wont go after such a system here? Come on man. In america we sued Mc Donalds because we are all lazy fat asses.

We have a proud "tardition" in America of blaming everyone but ourselves as the source of our problems. We get fat because we dont excercise...its the place that sells the food's fault. They should have made 0 fat burgers that I can eat 10 and sit on my *** all day and not gain any weight. Kids shoot other kids..its music!...its movies! its video games....Never at one point in time during any of these shootings have I seen the parents of said children killers critisized once. We now have new laws about children and firearms in schools.

You see, all it really takes is for ine person to **** up publicly on any given issue, then it will get on TV. And we are PWNd by the networks so its a fact if its on TV. Then it goes straight from the TV into congress. IN a society were people refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, do you really think it so impossible that the government would attemp to take care of its people in such ways as to limit the ways that is people can place blame on its tax payng companies and institutions? All this video game limitation does is remove liability. Look at it closeley. Now you have to actively seek to circumvent the securty. If a lawsuit occurs with it in plaxce then its no longer the faultof the gaming company. Hmmm sounds like a good fit for us, seeing as how we cannot blame ourselves for anything.

No dont get me wrong I love America. I wouldnt want to live anywhere else. But sadly we have a media addiction and a habitual regulation one as well, as opposed to accepting responsibility and attempting reform.

We are also a lawsuit driven country. You can also rest assured that if someones kid does get fat because of MMORPG or kill himself because TSE and Hippy were wearing dresses around Jeuno, and a Lawsuit does for some reason occur, then new laws will be made and regulations thought up. If it ever becomes possible for a videogame company to be taken to court for NOT having these types of control in their games, then this will be a reality. Not because of the gevernment trying to quash your freedoms and rights. But rather because your friends and neighbors millitant whitetrash GlobalthermalnuclearCHRISTIAN!! mom decides she wanted to sue for the saftey of your godless children, and clean up the brainwashing, subliminal, kill your parents messages inherent in the evil video game megacorps who are CEO'd by the morningstar Lucifer himself.

And you can plea but its a violation of the Constitution all you want. But ask your self this...How many other US laws and regualtions violate, or grey market violate a supposed constitutional right? Please dont continue down this road of arguing this pointless topic. I want to read other things than you making the same ignorant and incorrect point over and over again.I got no problems with you bub. I have heard your opinion (many times over at this point), so unless you would like to do some research and find some kind of supporting material then I dont want to argue this with you any longer. Its a waste of the time I have left to breathe.

Regulations on ALL aspects of society that are important to the persons in that society WILL ALWAYS be regualted by the government. This is how an institution of power keeps that power. So why this issue is moot here at this point in time. If it goes public and TV anetworks decide that it is an "issue" then it will be regulated. This is a fact sir.

The song remains the same.

Thats is all.

#24 Sep 23 2005 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
Smiley: drool2
#25 Sep 23 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
124 posts
Legal theory when combined with the Natural Laws creates a doctrine whereby nature has endowed human beings with certain inalienable rights that cannot be violated by any governing authority. This theory is present in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America. The Natural Laws are the foundation cornerstones for all of our basic human rights as people and as Americans.

In the United States, Natural Laws's and Rights are the formula that makes up the basic human rights of the masses of American people. They are found in both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and they are something that no one in Congress or the government has a right to take away from you, especially those rights under the First and Ninth Article's of the Bill of Rights.

The right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness

The right of the people to a Congress and a government that will not misconstruct or abuse the rights of the masses of people protected under the Bill of Rights. The right of the people that will have a Congress that will listen to and follow the will of the people

All government officials are bound to strictly uphold and enforce their constitutional duties by supporting, protecting, and defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights are to be the "Supreme Law" of the land, and anything that is contrary to those rights may not be executed or put into law.

is this enough evidence for you? the government can put warnings and labels and make the stores sell to you only when youre 18+ years old. pursuit of happiness applies to leisure time activities. its the same for music tv movies they can label it but they shouldnt take away youre right to buy and enjoy it for several hours per day.

im not disagreeing with you at all gob all im saying is that it is unconstitutional. can the government do something like this? yeah they can abuse of power and neglecting human right is something everyone knows the us government does as a way to further control the masses. the patriot act is one of the most disgusting abuses of power ive seen the government do and i a huge violation of our rights as american citizens.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

but thats a little off topic.

now i think that as long as youre not doing anything illegal or putting yourself or others at harm you should be able to do what makes you happy. if playing video gmes makes you happy what right does anyone have to take that from you? i honestly dont belive that what people see in television and hear in music or play in video games causes them to go out and do violent things. but as you said people are always quick to blame someone else. like bender said in futurama. have you parents ever tried turning off the TV sitting down with your children and hitting them? i listen to alot of "angry music" i like watching war movies and violent anime that doesnt mean im gonna go out with a sword and cut off someones arm because i saw inuyasha do it while listening to static-x.

Edited, Fri Sep 23 11:39:35 2005 by SpentaX
#26 Sep 23 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
Rated Spenta up for that last post, I'm still on the fence as to if it's constitutional, but that post was much better formatted and argued Smiley: clap
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