How can you not make that in Sheep leathers?
I think what he is offering is a good way to start someone off to making so gil.
Lets see I have a lvl 3 leather craft (Working on cooking)
I just did this last night
4 stacks of Dark crystals = 5k each (20k)
4 stacks of tea leaves = (can't remember but were cheap)
4 stacks of water = 10gil each
check AH prices in sandy, Windy, Bastok (I have a mule in each)
Stack of sheep leather in Windy were selling for 23k
thats 92k for 4 stacks
minus supplies and sales tax
lets round it to 30k
Profit is 62k in my pocket.
Now this is only counting the sheep leather.. Not counting meat, teeth, whatever I steal from gobs from time to time. as well as getting the Ram pop in the highlands.
Now in no means can I say this is a great money maker.. No, but it does give someone just starting out the feel of how to do things.
Edited, Tue Sep 20 07:36:51 2005 by RdmKelton
Edited, Tue Sep 20 14:37:12 2005 by RdmKelton