Hey Bismark,
Our pseudo PM team is now on 4-2! We're doing very well and I thoroughly appreciate all who've helped previously.
Looking to do the OURYU fight this weekend on Sunday. Sunday is a fairly open day for me but I understand ppl may have other priorities on that day ie: Dynamis, sky, RL, ect.
I'm aiming to gather a few more interested people @ 2 / 2:30 pm PST. This would give us a good 3-5 hours before the Sunday Dynamis's start to get rolling, which I hope is plenty of time. Hopefully if Sunday's team sticks together we can further our goal for the day and move on to 4-3+, but one step at a time.
Thank you for reading. Names and jobs, if interested, would be great.
~MzM ^^
Edited, Sat Sep 10 14:19:16 2005 by Mzm