well you could get away with doing "A worms turn" in palaborough mines (cant spell)...
You need:
x3 rng, x2 blm, x1 whm
if you go as a rdm/whm you wont need a whm.
The bcnm goes like this:
Blm elemental seal+sleepgas the worms, keeps them all asleep
Rng slings their arrows at 1 target at a time starting with flayer franz first
whm heals(obviously) and keeps barstonra up. If you do go as a whm you need to erase attack down on the rangers.
the fight is simple and easy if everyone does their jobs
when the fight gets down to the last 5-6 worms then the blackmages -ga the rest of the worms.
If you need a ranger for this, pm me in game.