Community: I realize you can't talk about the next expansion, but if there are any possibilities for new jobs, what kind of jobs have been considered?
Yasu Kurosawa: You're right, I can't talk about that. But I can ask you what you want!
Blue Mage
New tank
New refresh job
WTF would a pirate do...I hear people say it so much and I can't think of anything that would make a pirate a viable job. "Pirate sics his parrot on the Robber Crab. Pirate uses "YARR MATEY"
People obsess about blue mage, but correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the one where you can use monster's abilities? Which means OMG BLUE MAGE USES BUBBLE SHOWER...Because you and I both know they won't let you learn jet stream, sickle slash, etc because it will be overpowered.
New Refresh job is the best case scenario. Parties have to disband ALL too often because there's no "refresh" jobs seeking.
New tank, maybe. I think we're fine with PLD and NIN.
Mime? /slap. Gambler? We have that. /point Hiptaru
Necromancer, hmmm. Isn't that where you can raise dead and use them to attack enemies? Which would probably make them outcasts like BSTs. Though BSTs do own...
Geomancer? Aren't they elementalists? Casting elemental spells to damage their enemies? :COUGH:NINJA:COUGH:
Edited, Sat Sep 3 04:19:34 2005 by TovQuitsEveryJobHePlays