Hi Bismarck!
I'd like to see if I could get a team together to do Promy-Holla (and possibly the others if it works well). I'm 0/2 on Holla right now, and I'd like to see about getting Safehold access sometime soon.
I prefer to go as White Mage. I have all necessary gear ready to go for the three Promyvions at a moment's notice.
I normally play in the evenings from 8pm-midnight CST, so give me a /tell if you are interested in forming a party.
And since I don't want this half-baked (which is why I'm 0/2), I'd be more than happy to go Anima farming before attempting the BC. Also, I have one bottle of Psychoanima already in my Moghouse just begging to be used. No, really, it is. You have no idea how loud that stuff gets when it's ignored for long periods of time.