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#152 Aug 24 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
I don't endorse MPKing at all in any form, but I just thought I should let some of you know that from my experience, shamanking is perhaps one of the nicest and civil player I know from ffxi. You see, I often farm in Castle Zvahl and so does he but he never fought over mobs with me, he's always been civil about it and asks me how long I will be farming so that he'll come back later when I am done. Somehow I really don't think a lot of players would be willing to do that, simply because it's too much of a hassle to get to Zvahl only to give in and not do anything. Beside I am a whm,and any melee can out farm me if they wanted to, but shamanking chose to be nice about it and I really appreciate that.

#153 Aug 24 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
I dont think many have a problem with Shamanking as hes a pretty cool guy..Its his LS minions that most people cannot stand. People can read what these people type. I myself get a good laugh from it.

FE may have been started by SK but he is clearly not in control of the LS as a whole or this thread would not have continued.

I dont have any problem with FE, although it does get tiresome having to wait all night to watch Kirin die or a mass escape or wipe so we can give it a go.

I hope for his sake , SK gains a bit of control over his own LS(If it is even his anymore).
#154 Aug 24 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
I am sorry, but we have MPKd our first victims today. It was a horrible ordeal that caused multiple alliances to wipe...

ok...we just MPKd ourselves at Dynamis-sandy ^^;
#155 Aug 24 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
Not that this really needs to be said, but I want to applaud everyone for two reasons:

1. Keeping the conversation about FE in one thread, and not littering the message board with incessant threads about the same topic.

2. ForceElite let me know their schedule, and it's been posted. Thank you to Shamanking for providing the info and cooperating.
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