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Attention Players of Bismarck, A Petition to SEFollow

#1 Jul 21 2005 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
I took the time to do some research, the petition is made out to "Yoichi Wada President and Representative Director SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD." I had to spend a lot of time figuring out who it should go to, needed the address of SE headquarters in Japan, phone numbers etc. This is a real petition with real concerns. If you're one of the people who think were making too big a deal about this, feel free not to sign, but I want this thread made available to the people who do care enough. Numbers make a difference, please take the time to sign, it does not take long at all.
#2 Jul 21 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
2,955 posts
How annoying, you spam this on every single server forum?

I bet the Rng Forums too... *goes to check* Ding, yup!
When I used to post on the VN boards (RIP), this was a bannable offense.

Sorry to break it to you, but your idea, while good in intentions just is not going to work.

I do have to give you credit though for seemingly using a spell checker, most idiots who write up petitions like this don't even bother making it look professional.
#3 Jul 21 2005 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Let's bring back 100% TP gain for Relic Knuckle WS, while we're at it. Not unbalanced at all.
#4 Jul 21 2005 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
478 posts
You know what? Im sorry you feel you were gimped, get in line.
Im a drg. I dont think Im gimped at all but not everyone see it that way. Then again it does amaze me time and time again when I have +45 acc in gear, acc bonus trait, and using sole sushi yet I whiff quite a bit on low eva mobs, but thats another story. Anyway I read the petition and all I see is this.

I want to do 10,000 dmg per hit because I pay for it. EVERYone is pissed because VE doesnt drop emp pin anymore. boo whoo.

Dude pick your spots shot your damned arrow. Its been a day and ahalf since the update and you probably havent even figured out ideal distances to stand for dmg. I know a few rangers and not 1 of em is crying. Furthermore exactly whom is pissed because mobs like VE dont drop emp pin anymore? Gil sellers thats it. Im quite happy SE changed what monsters like VE dropped to ex/rare. point being 3 simple words. QUIT YOUR *********
PS. - Sorry i sound like a jack *** but ppl constantly whining about gimpedness is annoying. Also I think rngs should do nice dmg since they pay for it just not on the scale they were doing.
Slightly less would make me happy.
#5 Jul 21 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
617 posts
You know you might have wanted to write it a bit more, I don't know, professionally? Way too much passive voice going on there and speaking for an entire community of players is very arrogant (and not to mention ignorant since not everyone agrees with you, I sure don't). You should say "we, the undersigned" instead of speaking for the entire community. Also, ending the thing with a threat costs you all credibility as it stands. Mr. Wada would never take this seriously. Take a business writing class. Seriously, you need one.

Anyway it doesn't matter now. Just looking at some of those "signatures" lets me know this isn't going any further than that waste of Web space.

Oh, and because I'm really ****, "ingame" should be hyphenated. Just sayin'.

Edited, Thu Jul 21 05:56:20 2005 by seraphimhunter
#6 Jul 21 2005 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
416 posts

Here we go. The update just happened and now you have the people that want to B*tch that it happened..

Ohh, wait heres an idea since all you want to do it /cry

I think I will start my own petition to SE to give us RDM's more stuff.. Since we always get screwed during updates and get nothing for it.. Wait that would be pointless, just as this petiition is.. They do thiese things for several reasons.

1) RNG was not meant to be a massive damage dealer. It was bad enough that they did 10,000 dmg at any range. What so now you have to figure in distance before using ranged attacks. (Kinda sounds like real life..) ex: If I pick up a bow/arrow and use it what will do more damage to a target. Shooting from 5ft. or shooting from 100ft. Anyone who has ever picked up a bow knows you do better damage from a distance.

2) Now I use Nin as a sub for alot of things. But NIN was NEVER designed to be a tank!! People just got used to using it that way as a Stand in for PLD.

3) NM drops.. ok you B*tch that Gil-sellers are killing the game.. OMFG!!! Gil-sellers have driven up the price of emp pin to 800k.. I'll never get one now.

They fix this problem and make it (I think) a BCNM drop, and create and item with the same stats as an ex/rare item (THAT CAN NOT BE SOLD) and still you B*itch.

I remember when people in this game came up with the same ideas to fix these probelms, and when people played for fun. Now all many of you are doing is /cry this, /cry that.

If you feel Rng has really been gimped and you don't want to play no more then guess what "Bounce"...

I'm not trying to be an *** to you. it's just that when SE does something to try and fix problems within the game and people do nothing but complain, it takes away from the reasons for doing it. They whent and put a big hurt on gil-sellers now. Ok, so now they will relocate to something else. But they made items people want for job use and made them where people can get them. And you want to do a petition to reverse the new update?

Ok, RNG doesn't do 10,000 mg now per shot.. ok, test the waters it's all based off distance. I mean come on..

Edited, Thu Jul 21 07:45:36 2005 by RdmKelton
#7 Jul 21 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
289 posts
I can honestly say good luck, I'm not signing that, and stop grandstanding. Rangers had it coming, in my opinion. Teaches them to throw gil at mobs.
#8 Jul 21 2005 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
177 posts
When I first starting playing FFXI, RNG was all I wanted to be; it was my goal for the game. Very quickly, I got my RNG to 42 a few months ago (after leveling THF as my main job) and realized the fun in playing RNG was gone, dead - (1) select mob (2) /ra <t> (3) mob dead

How much fun is that? In solo play (especially farming) it was fun to run around and do one-shot kills. In the Dunes, where I sometimes like to hang out helping folks, one shot kills are invaluable to parties in distress due to aggro or links or stupid pulls.

In party play, I personally didn't try to steal hate from the PLD or the NINs -I always asked the PLD (it's the respectful thing to do - after all, I wasn't the tank of the party) how he/she wanted me to help them control hate. In a party, the most success to be found is in balanced cooperative play with all team members. The good RNGs do that, the bad RNGs whine, complain, and yes, I've even seen some temper-tantrums.

I quit playing RNG - not coz of the gil involved - but because of the arrogance of a lot of RNGs that I encountered. "You must sub NIN to your RNG, WAR isn't a good sub" "You're eating the wrong food - eat Yellow Curry, not Squid Sushi" "Your gear needs to be changed" (lol, this was especially funny to me coz my gear at the time was: Noct +1, Leaping Boots, Archers Knife, Emporer's Hairpin, Battle Bow +1, plus +RaAtt and +RaACC jewelry)

It's sad to see that the arrogance still exists that RNGs don't wanna adjust and adapt to a more realistic, balanced way of playing. For me the most fun part of this game is the struggle to succeed in a job - RNG has never ever known a struggle.

Also, RNGs: it's not just you that happens to be impacted by the /ra changes. Any job that has the ability to use /ra skills is impacted... haven't heard or seen any of them moan and groan as much as a RNG.

Sorry, I'm getting off my soapbox now...

THF 57/RNG 42/NIN 34/BLM 31/WHM 25/WAR 20
#9 Jul 21 2005 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
It never fails to be hilarious to me that people actually think anyone pays attention to those online petitions. Especially, as the point has already been made, when they're written like nothing approaching a real petition would be.

Good luck, man. You're gonna need it.
#10 Jul 21 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
955 posts
I signed it with a rather "creative" name. Guess which one it is
#11 Jul 21 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
281 posts
When I saw the topic, some part of me that still has some optimism for the human race went "maybe this is for something useful, such as a request for decent customer service, or maybe to make windowed mode legit, since probably 75% of PC users are using a 3rd party program against the EULA for something that almost every MMO around has had the sense to include at one point or other in the game itself"......

I was hoping it wasn't people AGAIN trying to teach the devs about game design...

let's not start acting like WoW players please.

Nerfing happens. If they decide to reverse it, I'm believing it will be through observation of the results/testing. Not because people whine too much.

Want to know what happens when a company listens to whiners ? Look at EQ2. One could almost think it was still in beta from what I'm hearing about the constant changes/revamping.
#12 Jul 21 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
396 posts
***** you hippie, I'm going home.

(I signed the petition with a rather creative name as well XD)

This is lame.

When DRG got 'nerfed', many, many DRG's complained, but S-E didn't do anything about it. What makes you think you deserve to be put on a high pedestal and S-E needs to fix what they have done?

Oh no! So now you have to carefully place yourself between a mob. Oh no! If you feel you need to be a powerhouse, simply sub WAR or SAM.

Grow up and get over it. The changes are sticking, and there's nothing you can do about it.
#13 Jul 21 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
I've signed it about 6 times with random names. SE doesn't take online petitions seriously since it's so easy to falsify them. Look at the names people are using. SE won't take it seriously the second they see those.
#14 Jul 21 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
XD look @ number 674, that was me ^^

Edit: I think it got removed, it was "Iwuz Bribed" teehee

Edited, Thu Jul 21 18:12:04 2005 by Therealvinnie
#15 Jul 21 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
I think what he means to get from this petition is a guide to how to play ranger. I am willing to be that he is one of the people that has to get walked through everything. Who do i talk to next ok now whats there location /l <pos>? guys /l <pos>. I can't find them can I /follow someone to them. Ok now what do I do. Instead of playing the game. Now that he has to figure out where to stand he cant play his job. It was easier for him to complain to SE then to join a pt and figure it out for himself.

To the OP just wait a few days you will get a guide and you can know what bow and what arrows work from what range. Then you can go back to doing you 10000 damage one shot kills. Till then please dont complain for SE fixing a problem with the game. Don't get mad because you dont have bow skills. As stated in another post archers dont stand 2 feet from the target irl.

But to anyone interested I will be starting a petition to SE banning sub jobs. Rdm and Smn are gimping my main Whm job. By them having the ability to heal I dont get as many pt invites raise 2 and 3 are not enough. Or I will have them change R2 and 3 to be party only and have a timer like equipment. If they have not been in your pt for 30 min you cant cast it on them. Also I want a kraken club I feel that SE should place one in my MH so I can be leet.

I think you will find and are finding that more people are happy with this update than upset. Good luck hopefully herbe hancock has not been taken I will be signing it soon.

Well now its time for real homework.
#16 Jul 21 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I am addressing this toward a generalization, but come on, guys.

Two months ago, the RNG were crowing the loudest about how much DRG sucks. Even put a foot in the door of suggesting that another job might have better DOT than a RNG, and you were laughed out of town.

The job was unbalanced, we *all* knew it. That's why RNG was the must-have Promy job, the must-have HNM job, BCNM, missions, you name it. We all knew a RNG could walk in the door, take aim and do outlandish amounts of damage, making even difficult fights into Fisher-Price wham-bam sessions, no one even broke a sweat.

Like any loophole, it was a good time! Who doesn't like it when you can destroy an NM in less than a minute and walk away with your prize? Almost too easy.

But the other jobs suffered. Who is going to invite a MNK or a WAR (god forbid, a DRG), when there is a RNG seeking? The *only* thing other DD had going for them, comparatively, was the skillchain. Not because of inherent lack of usefulness, but because RNG had tremendous hype and rightly so.
DD is a hotly contested area of the game, so the pressure to keep it on even ground for everybody is pretty high.

You can still do good damage, but this time you're going to have to be cerebral about it, the way BLMs have to be cerebral about elemental weakness, or BRDs have to judge song radii. This will let you shine, if you're willing to put a little mental as well as 'financial' work into the job. There will be great RNG that know what they're doing, then there will be the plinkers that show up, stand wherever, use whatever, and expect to own everything.

I'm not laughing at you guys, I would be pretty miffed myself if RDM took a hit at some valuable aspect of the job. But try to adapt first, learn how to work with the changes, and then see where you stand. Extra challenge isn't necessarily a bad thing, and it might make the job more fun.
#17 Jul 21 2005 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
384 posts
"Rangers were known purely for their damage, they have nothing else to offer. We pay a substantial cost for this damage as well. It takes a lot of time to level a job, it takes a lot of time to earn the gil to pay for the job"


Now, while in real life, a Bow n' Arrow shot at Pointe Blank range would hurt more, Rangers are now that: RANGED. you want to do good / awesome damage? get in the back lines where you belong.

you can either be one hell of a Rng, and do what us bards do and run to and fro, so you can WS and Melee for TP, or you can shell out more gil, and just sit back, and spam arrows, bullets, bolts, what have you.

honestly, SE just tried to equalize the game so other jobs have a fair chance, instead of everyone going RNG, stop complaining, if you don't like it: pick up DRG, WAR, whatever job you think has it better off.

"All jobs suffer from the update. Many in game events such as promyvions, missions, quests, HNM related experiences typically involve Rangers because of their respected ability to do damage necesary"

okay, there's a little thing called diversity, so now instead of having 2,3,4 Rangers, you have 1, and a MNK, maybe a DRK, or maybe even a DRG, WAR.

what about HNM kiting? new stratigies! that's all.

with the Utsusemi changes all this update does is make the job much more expensive, as if it wasn't already

Yes, but now: it will weed out the bad Ninjas, and you'll be forced to use NIN Debuffs, while expensive, more beneficiall to the party, it saves the RDM and/or WHM from having to cast Slow.

edit: i need to make sense out of my words *_*
edit again: more stuff to say!
Edited, Thu Jul 21 18:47:28 2005 by Naeo

Edited, Thu Jul 21 18:54:46 2005 by Naeo
#18 Jul 21 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
This is a VERY VERY good thing your doing... im a thief/ninja and i think ranger was fine the way it was.. all other jobs should be signing this petition too... without rangers party's would be lasting alot longer and gaining alot less exp, rangers help disolve and destroy mobs. Rangers do massive damage on a normal attack and even better with Skillchain!! lets see if people are still complaining after about a week or 2... I BET YOU ANYTHING THEY ARE!! and they have a good reason to!
#19 Jul 22 2005 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Exactly, the thing you RNG hating cry babys forget about (and I play and Love WAR and NIN,too) is that you get your XP from their uberness faster as well. How stupid for anyone to route against ANY other job.

I hope that all jobs in my pts do MAX dmg. Things die faster, xp piles up quicker. I don't FRAPS fights and go jack off over my dmg totals, I just like to see things die in an orderly fashion, quickly...easily. Just think if they made MNK peircing dmg instead of blunt...there goes your KRT parties. You'd be pissed as well. It stills doesn't make much difference to me really. It just seperates the smart players from the button mashers is all. Only thing it really screws is roaming RNG parties and kited HNMs (if you are using a gun). Which sucks, yeah...but 2/3 RNG I'd still invite.
#20 Jul 22 2005 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Just think if they made MNK peircing dmg instead of blunt...there goes your KRT parties. You'd be pissed as well.

Several weapons MNK can(or could) equip are considered piercing damage, just like Bodkn Arrows that RNG can equip are (or were) considered blunt damage. Oops. :P Facts much?

Edited, Fri Jul 22 03:39:33 2005 by Alauce
#21 Jul 22 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Bodkins blunt dmg myth was negated before it started.

MNK typically does Blunt dmg. The "piercing dmg" H2H weapons they can use are not quite as effective as their Blunt dmg H2H on bones. Taking away their Blunt dmg KRT party ability would equal what has happened to RNG. Not the end of MNK, but they'd be pissing blood. Play another job besides mage much? :P

Edited, Fri Jul 22 03:40:28 2005 by Trizzoro
#22 Jul 22 2005 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Ninja, warrior, BST. D: Those count as non-mages, right?
#23 Jul 22 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
You know...if I worked for SE (or any gaming company for that matter) and read a "petition" like this, I would spend a good 3 days laughing.

Everyone is getting so up-in-arms about changes to the game. No one is tying you down and forcing you to play. No one is physically coming to your house and taking your $12 every month.

If you don't like where the game is headed, just stop playing.

I think in the midst of MMOs, people forget a few simple things.

-This is not a lifestyle.
-This is not a necessity.
-This is optional.
-This is not your life.

Instead of hemming and hawwing about changes, trying working with them. Learn to adjust your playing style to try something else. Nothing is STATIC. In real life, situations change all the time...we learn to adapt. That's the great thing about being human.

If you're seriously THIS unhappy (as to take hours from your day to fabricate a petition), just stop playing. Find another game. Find that quality time with your friends you've given up. Find an extra 3 hours a day of studying, or writing that presentation for work.

When games become so saturated in your life that you feel the need to put this much effort into analyzing and discussing your issues with it, you need to back away for awhile.

#24 Jul 22 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Alauce wrote:
Ninja, warrior, BST. D: Those count as non-mages, right?

None of those are RNG or MNK is all I know.
#25 Jul 23 2005 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Holy ****, wait guys. You mean I actually have to think about how to play RNG now?

Oh ****, kill me. I can't do it.

(Yes, the above was sarcasm, and yes, I can still do as much or more damage than I used to be able to.)
#26 Jul 23 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Excellent
137 posts
Check out number:

Prob some random joe but LOL XD
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