Okokok...I need people who are at LEAST passed the Ouryu BC because i never want to do that BC ever again...Anyone passed Ouryu and would liek to start a set CoP party please contact me in game. So far i have this list of POSSIBLE people who can come: Moonpie (RNG, NIN, RDM). Lui (BST, WHM). Blueboco (Helping me. MNK, WHM). Johndorn (NIN, BLM). Lunarian(Me, DRG, NIN). If anyone else or THESE people would like to help, for the love of JeSUS help me out! > < My original CoP party (Moonpie, Blueboco, Johndorn, Hustla, Revelr, and I) broke awhile back. If anyone who has completed all CoP is offering to help me out, please do...i want sea ; ;
If interested.../t Lunarian in game