Hello Bismark Dracen here {72 PLD/WAR Taru} been out of town past couple of weeks and finally i'm back home. Prolly people ive partied with r higher lvls than me which is a shame since no one would know how good im am ; ;. I'll be back home on friday nite or saturday evening and am looking for help to get to lvl 70 asap or people willing to help me out with zm's so i can get sky access. Im currently on ZM 8. Please send ingame /tell or respond to this if you are willing to help. Thank you.
Dracen 67 PLD/WAR Rank 7
Smithing Lvl 85
Other Jobs MNK 53 WAR 35 THF 21 BLM 17 NIN 14 WHM 13 SAM 10
Edited, Thu Jul 21 12:34:33 2005 by lildra
Edited, Thu Sep 15 19:41:44 2005 by lildra