Simply put with a good pt filled with people willing to spend a little extra gil RDM and/or BRD are not needed to xp ever. Heck pre 32 but mostly 41 a RDM isn't wanted in pts, pre 25 a BRD is brought on for buffs >.> so not an mp ***** there even post 25 they aren't really brought on as a "Refresh requirement since they give a whopping 1mp/tic they are still there to make the pt members better with buffs.
Since it was commented post 55 I will only include my comments to 55+ about this comment:
And this is where I have to say you are wrong. Lets look at the list of things that give us Rdm's the edge
1) Refresh
2) Dispel
3) higher Enfeebling stick rate
4) Convert
5) Chain Spell
6) Fast Cast
7) Clear Mind I, II, III (mp regen while healing)
8) Magic Attack Up I, II, III
9) Fast Cast I, II, III
1) Refresh - Um ya Juice >.> /SMN
2) Dispel - against a beetle? got a SMN with fenrir Lunar Cry cancels evasion buffs. Crawlers? Acid bolts Add Effect cancels Cacoon. that's about all i can really think of that i cared about being dispeled. Oh Shell, ok i'll give you that one since i think its stupid to use fenrir dispel. 64+ who cares get a /rdm the resist rate isn't that high if ever.
3) Enfeebles - Ok lets see what job really needs a mob to be enfeebed to function far better? Oh ya NIN well hmmm they can do it themselves o.O wow guess what i've seen good NINs land spells better than a RDM even at 70. Oh don't have a NIN tank ok well hey WHM and BLM both have AF with Enfeeble+10 to help out aside from having a higher base stat in the corresponding stat.
4) Convert - Um ya i've never seen a good RDM need to use this outside of being brought on as a support+nuker, and even then better RDMs that i know can still go without it. And then you know you could actually med mid battle like a WHM or BLM would do when they aren't needed drastically.
5) Chainspell - Um ya ok so you can Chainspell to Escape other than that i have yet to see a point to this in xp outside of your own personal fun/
6) Fast Cast - Um ya I don't think people care if you get a spell out 10-30% faster, i don't.
7) Clear Mind - your MP should never be a problem of the rest of the party considering you use the least typically(baring a WHM with a NIN tank)
8) Magic Attack Up - If i really wanted to rely on this i'de get a BLM or a NIN/BLM.
9) Fast Cast - I'm guess this was a typo so check #5.
Can't XP without a PLD or NIN? um you ever seen a MNK or WAR tank VTs?
Well my time is up so off i go, no 1 job in the game is needed to get good xp people just have to be willing to adjust to a given situation.