Please stop inviting me to your parties. I do not like Paladins, nor do I like Dragoons, and it tears me apart every time one of you asks me to join your party, because I inevitably have to tell you that your setup of BLM BLM PLD DRK(or DRG/WHM) WHM RDM is not as über as you seem to think it is, and it doesn't meet with my standards of exp.
Also, please stop getting indignated when I turn you down on your awesome 2k/hour exp party. Yes, I have my invite flag up. No, that does not mean I have to jump at every invite I get. I, unlike some people, choose to enjoy exping as much as I enjoy the other things in this game. Taking this in mind, please, realize that I play this game too, that I have a mind of my own, and that I have an opinion.
Your opinion, however, does not matter to me. You may think your party is just the bee's knees. However, I, seeing your illustrious setup, can't help but die a little on the inside, because that party just plain sucks. Period.
So please, for the good of us both, stop inviting me to your parties. Find a White Mage or Red Mage that just wants to level, level, level, and not enjoy a damn thing they do in this game. And for the love of god, stop telling me I'm "fuc[i][/i]ked up" for choosing to not party with jobs I don't enjoy partying with.
Alauce, The (very disgruntled) White Mage.